The Governing Rule Of The Spirit
I. Inside your tri-part being
there is a spiritual hierarchy (pecking order, chain of command)
It is the will of God that you know how to
possess your vessel-1 Thessalonians 4:4
Luke 21:19-Posess-To secure, to get a hold of, you shall win, ye shall gain
the mastery over your souls," instead of giving way to adverse
There’s going to be a lot going on, but get a
hold of your soul
The vessel that you have to manage
and control is the body and
henceforth the mind; if you don’t possess the mind you don’t control the body
Your spirit is to be the manager/controller
of your mind and body not vice versa
A weak spirit like a weak body can’t do what
it’s supposed to do
We are to manage our vessel in sanctified way
that honors God and not in away where we just give into the feelings and
desires of the mind and body
We are to possess our vessel in a deferring
way always deferring to the HS
God wants you to know how to do possess your
vessel, so there must be a way to do it and that’s what we are after
The day that I got born again was the day
that my life stopped being run by my soul and body and started being run by my
The chain of command is Spirit first, soul
second, body last
Body and soul are not in charge any more-Ephesians
2:3 (AMP)
They don’t get to choose how to think and
feel they are told how to think and feel
They are under my command, just like I’m
under the Word of God
Your body was created to submit to your mind
and your mind was created to submit to your spirit-Romans 8:5,
Romans 8:5-Your body was created to submit to
your mind
Matt 6:25, 12:34-Your mind was created to
submit to your spirit; it was created to shut up and listen to what your
mouth/spirit has to say
You’ve said things without thinking, that
came out of your spirit
Fix your mouth on the word of God you’re mind
will be too-Ph4:8,Josh1:8
Romans 7:21-Your spirit was created to submit
to God
The life of man was never mean to be governed
by his flesh/feelings/senses
Genesis 3:7-Adam was created to function in
such a way that God communicated with His Spirit, his spirit told his mind how
to think and body what to do; in a sense he might see something or feel
something, but if it opposed what God said, then he was governed by what God
said (his spirit dictating what mind thought and what body did) and not by what
he saw or felt
When they sinned their senses were opened and
their senses gained ascendancy over their spirits and they began to be governed
by their senses not their sprits
They were naked before, but their spiritual
sight was bigger than their natural sight and with their spiritual eyes they
saw they were covered with the glory of God so their spirit told their mind
that, but now they’re governed by their senses
The was the detriment of fallen man; he was
governed by his senses, the mind and body
Jesus came to get us back to the place where
we walk by faith and not by sight
My spirit is supposed to get the command from
the Word of God/The Holy Spirit and tell my mind what to think and my body what
to do
a. The reality is if you live life governed by your senses (soul and body)
govern your life, defeat is inevitable
b. The most victorious people you’ll find are the ones who have learned to
ignore their feelings (mind and body) and govern their life based on what the
word says
II. The governing rule of the
It’s vital that we understand that Satan
preys on the mind on body through the senses
1. He’s always preying on your thoughts, feelings, and senses; Appealing to
the feelings
2. He tried to do it to Jesus; see something physical, miss out on the
pain-Matthew 4
I (the spirit) is the personal
trainer/manager of my soul and body
1. 2 Cor 10:5-If you have thoughts or feelings that
oppose the word you get rid of them
a. The strengthening of the spirit triggers the renewing of the mind
2. 1 Cor 9:27-You bring your body into subjection
by ruling over the mind
a. The body can’t go where the mind won’t go
The man who rules over soul and body and
reigns in life
1. Every battle in life begins with the battle to rule over your mind and
2. Proverbs 16:32-God puts great emphasis on ruling mind and body
You rule over your body by ruling over your
soul and you rule over your soul with a strong speaking spirit
James 3:2-If you can control your mouth you
can control your mind and you can control your body
The only way to control the mouth is to get
your spirit strong on the Word-Mt 12:34
Psalm 103-David is speaking to his soul and I
(the spirit me) can do the same thing
1 Samuel 30:8-When he encouraged himself in
the Lord he didn’t just sit there and think happy thoughts
III. The enemy wants to keep your
spirit under because if your spirit ever rises up in the grace of a Champion
and begins to rule your mind and body all hope for him is gone-Galatians 5:18,
Romans 7:24***
It’s not supposed to be that you know what’s
right in your head, but your unrenewed nature has taken over your body and it’s
dominating your spirit
1. The man who knows the word, but doesn’t do it is destroyed-Matthew 7:25
a. Satan doesn’t care that you know that the Word says just as long as
you’re not directing your mind to the word and doing what the word says
2. There’s plenty of people who know that the word says and walk in the
3. Satan can’t do much with a man who won’t yield to the flesh & oppose
the Word
Romans 7-If you will direct your mind to the
word from your spirit you’ll walk in the spirit and crush every hope the enemy
had of destroying
1. 14-He’s governed by his flesh
2. 16-He knows what’s right
3. 17-He desires to do right, but he doesn’t know how to perform it
4. 18-AMP-There is a lack of spiritual strength
5. 20-It’s the sin that remains in his thoughts and habits
6. 21-When he wants to do right (spirit), that evil is present in his
thoughts and habits
7. 23-The law in his body is working against what he knows is right in his
mind, and it’s brining his spirit into captivity to the law that’s in his body
8. 8:3,4-Jesus overcame sin in the flesh so that we could do right things
and walk in the spirit and not in flesh
9. 8:5-You don’t do what you know, you do what you direct your mind to