Matthew Allaria Ministries

Study Notes

The study notes in this section are Matthew’s personal outlines and therefore they have not been edited.  As a result, you will find some grammatical errors.

Fulfillment In Life

Foundation Statement-John 4:34-Fulfillment in life comes from doing what God sent you to do


I.      John 4:32-Is it true that you can be fulfilled or empty inside? It is a real condition to be fulfilled or to be unfulfilled inside

A.    I have meat to eat that you know not of – This is real meat, even though it’s unseen, it is very real

1.      31-Apparently Jesus hadn’t eaten in a while and when you haven’t eaten in while your food level is low, your stomach is empty and when you eat you get fulfilled, you get full; When you don’t eat you’re empty and after you get done eating you are full

a.    They say to Jesus, “Master eat something, you got to be empty,” and Jesus said, “I get full of something that you know not of.”

2.      Jesus isn’t talking about physical food, he’s talking about food that you can’t see or touch

a.    Meat-That which is eaten, food, aliment; The souls aliment (that which nourishes, that which feeds, that which adds substance to the soul); Of the soul’s food; That which delights and truly satisfies the mind; That which refreshes and nourishes and supports the soul; Refreshment or soul satisfaction you have not learned; Spiritual comfort; That which delights the soul

B.     Is there something that feeds you on the inside, in your spirit, in your soul? Something that satisfies you inside and fills you up inside? That adds substance to you inside? That nourishes you inside? That truly satisfies you and fills you up inside?

1.      There’s something that strengthens you spiritually, that invigorates you inside, that energizes you and exhilarates you and enlivens you inside and delights your soul 

II.     John 4:34-What would feed you on the inside? What would satisfy you and leave you full in your spirit, in your soul? What would add substance to you inside so that you’re not empty?

A.    Jesus said, “My food, my meat, my nourishment and fulfillment is to do what God sent me to do and to finish His work.”

1.      The only way to be full, to be fulfilled in life and to receive fulfillment is to do what God sent you to do and to finish His work; The only source that a human being has to be filled is to discover what God sent him to do and to do it; No other thing will give you fulfillment because there is no such thing as fulfillment outside of the plan of God

2.      This meat is a real thing, being full inside is real and as Jesus did what the Father sent him to do, it was literally filling him up on the inside

B.     Every believer has to confront this truth: I will not be fulfilled apart from discovering what God sent me to do and doing it. This is the only way to be fulfilled and no other thing will bring me fulfillment

1.      THERE IS NO OTHER SOURCE OF FULFILLMENT; The lie the enemy wants you to believe is that there is

2.      Psalm 65:4-We shall be satisfied by the goodness of your house even of your holy temple

3.      Psalm 17:14-15-I shall be satisfied when I awake with your likeness

a.    Some people look for satisfaction in this life from the world

1)       MSG-By your sword free from their clutches; Barehanded, God, break these mortals, these flat-earth people who can’t think beyond today.

2)       TLB-Save me from these men of the world whose only concern is earthly gain; But as for me, my contentment is not in wealth but in seeing and knowing all is well between us.

3)       VOICE-Save me from men whose hopes are rooted in this world

b.    Satisfaction, fullness and fulfillment in life is found only in God

1)       AMP-I shall be fully satisfied when I awake to find myself beholding Your form and having sweet communion with you

2)       VOICE-When I awake, the longing of my soul will be satisfied in the glow of Your presence

4.      People run into big problems when they start looking for this fulfillment in the wrong places; There are things you can do that will never produce satisfaction and the enemy will lie to you and tell if you just got this much more you’d be satisfied and then when you get that much more you’re still not satisfied

a.    Proverbs 27:20-The lie is if you get more you’ll be satisfied so you search for satisfaction in a place that you won’t find it

1)       TLB-Ambition and death are alike in this: neither is ever satisfied

2)       ERV-Just as the place of death and destruction is never full, people always want more and more

b.    This is a picture of people looking for satisfaction from things that will never produce it and the lie the enemy has sold them is just a little bit more will satisfy you and yet they get more and are never satisfied

1)       Ecclesiastes 4:8-No matter how hard he works and how much he gets he won’t satisfy him inside

2)       Ecclesiastes 5:10-He that loves silver will not be satisfied with silver, nor he that loves abundance with increase

3)       Ezekiel 16:28-You were insatiable; yea you played the harlot with them and yet couldn’t be satisfied

4)       Habakkuk 2:5 (TLB)-What’s more, these arrogant Chaldeans are betrayed by all their wine, for it is treacherous. In their greed they have collected many nations, but like death and hell, they are never satisfied.

5.      Proverbs 14:10

a.    10-Only you know in your heart whether you’re full or not

b.    12-There is a way that seems right but isn’t right and the end of it death and nothingness

1)       Proverbs 27:7-When you’re not full bitter things taste sweet; Some people are so empty on the inside that they get on a vacation and look out at the ocean and say something dumb like, this is the life isn’t it

c.     13-People may be laughing and looking they are having a good time, but if you’re not fulfilling your kingdom purpose underneath that laughter is a soul unfulfilled

d.    14-The truth is if you are going to be fulfilled it’s because you choose to follow hard after God and if you’re unfulfilled it’s because you choose not to

C.    People in a sense begin die on the inside and dry up spiritually when this is not a priority in their life (This meat nourishes)

III.   John 4:32-34-The insinuation is if you don’t discover what God sent you to do and do it, you won’t be fulfilled and there will be an emptiness

A.    Are there people who have lived many years that are unfulfilled inside? Are there Christians unfulfilled inside? Why are they? You can be saved and not eat of this meat and be unfulfilled inside  

1.      It’s very possible to be saved and not be where God told you to be and not be doing what he told you to do and be unfulfilled

B.     One misconception of this fulfillment is that if you get saved God will fill that void and you won’t be unfulfilled, but the reality is getting saved is only the beginning of fulfillment, the first step in fulfillment, not the totality of fulfillment

1.      Salvation alone will not produce fulfillment, relationship with God alone will not produce fulfillment; Salvation and relationship with God are parts of fulfillment, but not the totality of fulfillment; Inside of salvation, inside of relationship with God if a person does not discover what God sent them to do and do it, they can be saved and have a relationship with God, but they will not be full, they will not be fulfilled

IV.   Psalm 63:5-3 keys to getting full on the inside

A.    The first thing that you have to do to live a fulfilled life and be full inside is you have to hunger for it-Matthew 5:6

1.      1-Early will I seek you-Matthew 6:33 (Seek-Early or earnestly, diligently)

a.    YLT-O God you are my God, earnestly do I seek Thee, thirst for Thee has my soul

b.    2-He is hungry to see the power and the glory of God

2.      If you are okay with where you are you’ll stay here you are

a.    If you want to be full on the inside and live a fulfilled life you got to get hungry for it 

B.     The second thing you have to do to live a fulfilled life and be full on the inside is you have to become Heavenly minded which in turn should radically change your value your system (what’s important to you)

1.      You can tell a lot about a person based on what they hunger after, what they seek because it shows you what they value

a.    VOICE-I seek you with every fiber of my being

b.    MSG-I can’t get enough of you

2.      3-Your loving kindness is better than life

a.    This is revealing something about his heart about what he values the most

b.    MSG-In you generous love I am really living at last.

3.      5,6-A major key to soul satisfaction is to be Heavenly minded and set your mind on things above

a.    Remember-Recall, call to mind; Meditate-Utter, mutter, speak, muse, imagine

C.    The third thing you have to do live a fulfilled life and be full on the inside is you have to follow hard after God

1.      8-My soul follows hard after you

a.    Soul-Soul, self, life, person, mind

b.    Follows hard-Stick, stay close, keep close, stick to, cling, cleave to

2.      4-Thus I will bless you while a live; You got to bless God with your life

a.    ERV-By my life I will bless you

3.      7-Because you have been my help-assistance

a.    Helping doing what God wants you to do

D.    My soul shall be satisfied (Satisfied-Fulfilled, full; Soul-Soul, self, life, person, mind)

1.      VOICE-My soul overflows with satisfaction, as when I feast on foods rich in marrow and fat

2.      YLT-As with milk and fatness is my soul satisfied

3.      Marrow and fatness is the best