Matthew Allaria Ministries

Study Notes

The study notes in this section are Matthew’s personal outlines and therefore they have not been edited.  As a result, you will find some grammatical errors.

Our Light Affliction

Foundation Statement: One of the biggest characteristics of the spirit of faith is that it despises, looks down upon, and thinks little of the trouble, no matter how great the trouble may be in the natural


I.      When a person has the spirit of faith there is minimizing of the trouble rather than a magnifying of it-2 Corinthians 4:17

A.    2 Corinthians 4:8-18-He’s minimizing this pressure not glorifying it

1.      A person with the spirit of faith has this attitude towards pressure that says this, ain’t nothing

2.      When you magnify something you see it bigger; you don’t make it bigger you see it bigger

a.    Too many believers are seeing their “problems” too big

b.    Your flesh has been trained by the world to magnify the problem

B.     He calls this affliction (pressure, trouble, distress) light (light in weight, easy) and you can see that affliction in 2 Corinthians 4:8-12

1.      Pressed, afflicted, and distressed on every side; Don’t know where to go, what to do, and don’t have any resources; Chased after, harassed; Thrown to the ground; Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus; Always delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake --- He calls that light affliction 

2.      He’s not just talking here; this is the spirit of faith in action; He’s not just saying it is light (easy), he believes it is-2 Corinthians 4:13

a.    He’s saying, “This ain’t nothing.” – That’s how the spirit faith talks; Why is he saying that? Because he believes it

b.    Matthew 11:30-He’s agreeing with Jesus

3.      In these verses (8-18) there’s just a refusal to glorify and magnify the trouble; He just won’t do it

a.    Every time he talked about what they were going through, he would follow it up by making light of it

b.    Troubled on every side, but distressed; Perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; Cast down, but not destroyed; Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus so that the life of Jesus might be made manifest in our body; We which are always delivered unto death for Jesus sake so that the life of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh; So death works in us, but life in you; Though our outward man perish our inward man is renewed every day

C.    A person with the spirit of faith NEVER talks about how hard something is, how insurmountable something is; A person with the spirit of faith never magnifies the problem, the circumstances, the negative report

1.      The temptation and the norm is to talk about how hard it is, how it’s such a trying time, how our country is in such a mess, how our the economy looks so bleak and how it’s so dark in the world and all of that is magnifying the problem

a.    People magnify the problem and you can hear it in the undertones of their conversation (This is so sad, that’s so bad, and their head drops and their face gets long) and in doing so they are acting like it’s too great to overcome they do this without thinking because they have not developed the spirit of faith-2 Corinthians 4:13

2.      Ask yourself this question; Did what I said magnify God or did it magnify the problem? it magnifies the problem it is unbelief, If it magnifies God it is the spirit of faith

a.    A person with the spirit of faith is not going to jump in with you and magnify and glorify the problem

II.     *It is a tactic of the enemy to try to get you to magnify the problem because the bigger you see it, the weaker your faith gets and the harder it is for you to overcome

A.    If you sit around and talk about the problem you’re going to see it bigger and your faith is going to get weaker and it’s hard to overcome with weak faith

1.      It’s amazing how if you get the word regarding your situation and start talking the word you’re going to see God bigger and your faith is going to get stronger and your eyes the problem is going to get smaller and it’s going to be easier to overcome

2.      When yielding to the enemy and magnifying the problem usually it’s subtle

B.     Numbers 13:27-29-They are magnifying the trouble (STRONG people, GREAT walls/cities, STRONGER than we, EATS UP the inhabitants, men of GREAT stature)

1.      Exodus 33:1-3-God already said that he’s going to send an Angel in the midst of them to drive these people out of their land

a.    So how big of a deal are these giants to God? Not much – Are they bigger than God, greater than God? NO

2.      This generation was famous for magnifying the problem (The Red Sea, When they needed water, When they need bread); What was also true about them is they walked in a lot of unbelief; magnifying the problem feeds unbelief

a.    What’s that tell you about people with the Spirit of faith? They don’t magnify the problem, they despise it

b.    Magnifying God feeds your faith and if you’ll magnify God you’re faith will get stronger and it will be easy for you to overcome stuff that would be very hard for others

3.      33-Not only did they magnify their enemy, they despised themselves and saw themselves as not able; Christians are doing this all the time, they are despising themselves and calling it humility  

a.    Should you magnify yourself and see yourself big? Caleb said WE are well able to overcome it; Or should you ignore verses and talk about how you’re nothing and how your weak and how you’re so small? – Philippians 4:13, 1 John 4:4

b.    You’re not going to be overcome if you see yourself small

C.    Numbers 13:30,14:9-Joshua and Caleb magnify God; We are WELL ABLE, They are BREAD for us

1.      Caleb is saying it’s not too big, it’s not too great, it’s not too hard --- In fact it’s not that much at all, we are WELL ABLE, we’ll eat them for breakfast, the Lord is with us

a.    They are looking at the same thing as the other ten, but they are seeing it small and the others are seeing it big

b.    They’re not trying to think of a good faith confession; they’re not even trying to talk in faith; they just believe and therefore they speak

2.      The spirit of faith and the spirit of unbelief are like oil and water, they don’t mix and they got mad a Joshua and Caleb

a.    EX: I’ve had that happen to me, people get mad at you because you preach faith

3.      Joshua 14:6-13-You can hear the spirit of faith in Caleb’s talk 40 years later

a.    He picks the mountain where they big giants are-V12, Numbers 13:28 – THE SPIRIT OF FAITH

III.   Despising the problem, the negative circumstance empowers you to hold fast to your faith under pressure

A.    Jesus despised the shame and that enabled him to endure the cross-Hebrews 12:2

1.      There was no pressure in the history of mankind greater than what Jesus experienced, there was no trouble bigger than what Jesus experienced and nobody had developed the spirit of faith to a greater place than he had and the strategy he used to overcome was that he despised the shame (Despise-To think little or nothing of)

a.    He was able to endure the cross because he didn’t think much of the shame (disgrace, disfigure)

b.    How are you able to endure, remain, to not recede or flee, to hold fast to your faith under pressure and trials? You don’t do that my magnifying the trouble, you are only able to do that when you despise the trouble

c.     You can’t endure the pressure while you magnify it at the same time; to endure the pressure you have to despise the pressure

2.      This despising the shame isn’t you lying to yourself acting like something isn’t nothing to have mind over matter or something; This despising the shame is flowing out of heart of faith that believes and says, “This is nothing for the Lord.  Nothing is too hard for the Lord.  All things are possible with God to him who believes and GREATER is he that’s in me than he that’s in the world.”

a.    It’s not a phony act where you’re trying to talk yourself into something

b.    Hebrews 4:13 (Amplified)-All things are exposed, naked, and defenseless to the eyes of Him with who we have to do

1)       Genesis 18:14-Not only is it not too hard for him, it’s not even hard for him

3.      People can magnify the problem to the place that in their eyes it’s bigger than God and when that happens the lose faith and don’t endure and don’t remain, but flee

B.     Luke 1:28-57,Psalm 34:3-If we’ll magnify the Lord it will cultivate the faith necessary to see the performance what he promised

1.      28-37-We know the enemy well enough to know he comes immediately to take away the Word and he was probably trying to do a number on her from the moment the Lord said this to her, until the moment she stepped into Elizabeth’s house

2.      Mary gets this promise which must have been impossible to her head, and the key thing she does is magnify the Lord

a.    Mary doesn’t need to be thinking about how hard this is or how impossible this is or how big this is, she needs to be thinking about how big God is and she needs to be magnifying him and seeing him bigger

b.    This word did not come to pass independent of her faith, it came to pass because of her faith

IV.   A person with the spirit of faith doesn’t try to see trouble small, they just see it small-1 Samuel 17 (David’s not trying to see Goliath small and despise him, this is just what people with the spirit of faith do; this is just who David is)

A.    25-The men of Israel esteem Goliath, they are impressed with him and David must not have been and in turn didn’t respond the way they responded

1.      26-Who is this uncircumcised philistine? – This is David despising him

a.    26,30-David couldn’t believe that you got all this great stuff for doing this one thing that was very simple and easy in his eyes

b.    31-David’s making light of Goliath and they were amused and amazed

c.     32-Is David esteeming Goliath or despising him? “Let no man’s heart fail him, I’ll go” – This is no big deal to him

2.      33-Saul magnifies the circumstance

a.    34,35-I’m going to explain to you why this is no big deal

b.    36-In David’s eyes there is nothing special about Goliath

3.      45-David is despising Goliath’s weapons; you got a sword and a spear, HA! I got the name of the Lord of hosts

a.    A sword and a spear is like bring a knife to a gun fight when I get to use the name of the Lord

4.      48-You only run like this at stuff that ain’t nothing to you

a.    David’s not trying to make confessions and thinking about what he needs to do and say to stay in faith, he’s functioning by the spirit of faith; this is just who he is

B.     The reason David can go down there and say who is this uncircumcised philistine is because he’s been practicing

1.      Everybody wants to perform, but few want to practice

2.      Developing in the spirit of faith enables you to respond in faith all of the time without having to think about it