Matthew Allaria Ministries

Study Notes

The study notes in this section are Matthew’s personal outlines and therefore they have not been edited.  As a result, you will find some grammatical errors.

The God Of Jacob & Joseph

i.       Jacob

A.    Genesis 28:3-4, 12-14, 19-22

1.     4-The blessing that made Abraham rich be on you

2.     14-I’m the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac

3.     21-Peace-Shalom-Abundant prosperity

4.     22-The tithe and the blessing

B.     Genesis 30:27

1.     27-The Lord made Laban rich because Jacob was there

2.     30-The wasn’t much when Jacob showed up, but there was now

3.     31-Sounds like his Grandpa, Abraham

4.     32-My wage will come from unnaturally colored animals born in the future.  From the flocks in Jacob’s care, Laban would remove all animals of unusual color, leaving the normally colored ones with Jacob.  Of the animals to be born from the flocks he would be tending, Jacob would keep only the abnormally colored ones.  Since such animals are freakish, and since Jacob added that existing animals of unusual should be removed from the flocks so that heredity would not contribute to such future births, the arrangement would be entirely in Laban’s advantage. 

5.     43-Jacob became exceedingly rich (AMP)

C.    Genesis 31:1-Jacob got all Laban’s stuff

1.     13-He committed the time and God committed the blessing

2.     16-18-He had abundance

3.     38-42-He’s a man of character and he didn’t leave empty handed

D.    Genesis 32

1.     14-He sowed all this to Esau & it didn’t even put a dent in what he had

2.     33:11-He said I have everything and anything and totality and all of it

3.     33:17-He built a house

4.     33:18-Shalem-Literally says he arrived intact, which means whole, perfect, unimpaired.  The Torah intimates that he arrived intact physically, financially (lacking nothing), intact in his learning

5.     33:19-He bought land

E.     Gen 34:21-24-These guys wanted to come in covenant with Jacob b/c he was rich

F.     Genesis 35:9-12-Same command

G.   Genesis 36:6-7-Esau and Jacob got so rich they could stay in the same land

H.    If we were to ask Jacob does God want you rich what would he say?

ii.      Joseph

A.    Genesis 37:4-10-He’s having dominion dreams, but you can’t rule and be poor (Proverbs 22:7)

B.     Genesis 39:2-He was a prosperous man

C.    Genesis 39:5-The same blessing that makes rich

D.    Genesis 39:23-He prospered in that prison

E.     Genesis 40:7,15-In prison Joseph said why so sad?

F.     Genesis 41:38-44,54-He’s promoted to second in command had is own chariot and his own house 

1.     Genesis 43:24-Joseph’s got his own house now

2.     Genesis 45:17-23, 47:11-Joseph’s family got preferential treatment

G.   If we were to ask Joseph does God want you rich what would he say?