Matthew Allaria Ministries

Study Notes

The study notes in this section are Matthew’s personal outlines and therefore they have not been edited.  As a result, you will find some grammatical errors.

The Prosperity Of The Soul

I.      Prosperity in any realm of life begins with the prosperity of your soul (3 John 2)

A.    There’s a spiritual law here that says: You cannot prosper in life beyond the prosperity of your soul

1.     Your soul is you mind, will, and emotions

a.    Your soul encompasses your self-image, what you believe about yourself, how you think about/see yourself

2.     That’s not talking sole about financial prosperity, prosperity in any realm of life begins inside

a.    If you’re going to prosper you first must see yourself prosperous on the inside

B.     Believers have tried to prosper through tithing giving, all the while neglecting this spiritual law that says you can’t prosper in life beyond the prosperity of your soul

1.     You give and you tithe with an impoverished soul

a.    You have think rich, talk rich, act rich, and see yourself as rich

b.    Your prosperity in life is going to come back to the prosperity of your soul

2.     People are tithing and giving believing that their tithing and giving will cause them to be a prosperous person; instead of tithing and giving believing they are a rich and prosperous person. 

C.    You have to believe that you have received to receive (Mark 11:24)

1.     You’re going to have to believe your rich, talk rich, think rich, and act rich before you are if you’re ever going to be and that encompasses your soul prosperity; You can’t wait to believe you’re rich until it shows up

a.    EX: It’s just like a person who’s sick believing their healed when that can’t see it

2.     Until you see yourself rich financially, you will never be-Proverbs 23:7

D.    Here’s some stuff you going to have stop doing if you want to prosper financially

1.     Shut up your old poverty talking mouth

a.    “We can’t afford”----“We don’t have the money to do that right now”----“That’s too expensive”

2.     Shut up your old poverty mentality

a.    Always looking for the cheapest----Saving junk because you mind need it----Gawking at items and amounts of money

II.     The image you have finaically, is what you have financially

A.    Proverbs 23:7-Your financial prosperity outside is a reflection of how you see yourself inside

1.     Think-Reason out, calculate, estimate, reckon

2.     You’re not something different outside than what you are inside

3.     What you are must line up with what you believe or how you see yourself

B.     Numbers 13:30,33, Hebrews 3:19

1.     Their image

a.    30-They saw themselves as well able

b.    33-We are in our own sight as grasshoppers-They saw themselves as grasshoppers

2.     Hebrews 3:19-It was their unbelief that kept them out of that land

a.    They wanted to blame it on the giants, the walls, and the people in the land, but it was their grasshopper image that kept them out; in their minds it was the giants, the walls, and the people that kept them out

b.    They biggest enemy was their inner-me

3.     It’s not what’s outside of you that’s keeping you from prospering financially, it’s that old poverty mentality in you

a.    We’ve wanted to blame our boss, the government, and walk around feeling sorry for ourselves, but our biggest problem has been that old broke image on the inside of us; in our minds it’s our job, the government, and the economy that’s kept us out

4.     There’s a financial prosperity promise land waiting on believers, but most aren’t entering in and it’s not because of the economy or what they do for a living, but it’s because of their inner image

a.    You can plunk every last dime you have into the bucket, but until your image changes you aren’t changing

C.    Numbers 14:28-They start talking based on and from that grasshopper image; the same thing happens to a person with a broke image, they start talking based on and from that broke image

1.     Financially you’ve been saying you can’t afford, that’s too expensive, you could never have that, and you don’t have enough and that’s exactly what you’ve gotten because you believe that and speak that (Mark 11:23)

a.    You talk like that because you don’t see yourself as rich

2.     34-They’re old grasshopper image and talk caused a breach of God’s promise

a.    Your old poverty image is causing a breach of promise

D.    Proverbs 4:20-23- That image in you is created by what you’ve been exposed to (words, experiences, circumstances, and what you’ve been taught)

1.     Your life is simply the result of what you’ve allowed into your heart

2.     There’s an image that’s been built in your heart by what you’ve been exposed to, taught, and experienced and your life is coming from that image

a.    Maybe you came from a family that didn’t operate in abundance; but the day you’re in a new family now with a rich daddy

E.     You get in life what you got in your heart

1.     Matthew 8:8,13-Centurion-Jesus spoke the Word and he was healed just like he believed

2.     Matthew 9:18,23-25-Jairus-Jesus touched her and she lived just like Jairus believed

3.     Matthew 9:21,22-The issue of blood-She touched his garment and got healed just like she believed 

F.     Mark 11:24-What you believe you have, you have

1.     If you believe you can’t afford, you don’t have enough, and you’re middle class that’s what you’ll be

III.   We got to change our image to where we stop seeing ourselves as middle-class people who are just getting by nicely and start seeing ourselves as rich, prosperous people who have overflowing proportions financially

A.    Your image has been working against you to keep money from you

1.     That’s why all this money is out there and many believers can’t seem to get their hands on much of it; because their image/belief is working like a two magnets of the same charge and it’s pushing that money away and keeping it from them

2.     If we will be diligent to change that image to line up with what the word says we can reverse that magnet and draw money two us

B.     Peter was in that boat all night, but he was in that boat with the wrong image (Luke 5:1)

1.     5-When Peter was out there toiling all night there were fish in that lake

a.    Peter had the image that sometimes the fish just don’t bite and sometimes you just have a bad day and don’t catch anything

2.     4-When Jesus got in the boat the right image got in the boat

a.    Here’s Jesus’ image: Launch out into the deep and let your nets down for a draught

b.    We’re going to catch an abundance of fish and I don’t care what time of day it is

3.     When the right image got into the boat, the same fish, the weren’t coming to that boat at night, came to that boat in the daytime, when you’re not supposed to catch fish in the day

a.    The reason was because it wasn’t about what time of day it was, it was about the image that was in the man and when the right image got in that boat the fish that where being pushed away before by the wrong image came now because the right image demanded that they come

b.    The image in your heart will demand that the natural change to line up with it

(1)      Those fish had to come even if they didn’t want to because the image said so

4.     The fish where there there whole time, but until somebody got in the boat with the right image the fish didn’t come

a.    The money is there the whole time, but until somebody gets in the boat with the right image it isn’t coming

C.    You’ve had good meaning believers who tithe and give, but their image is working against them

1.     God’s mercifully and gracious particularly with ignorance so that’s why we’ve kind seen a little a bit of this work

2.     If we want to unleash the law of prosperity, then we must continue to give, but do it with the right image

3.     That broke image begins to block:

a.    The supernatural financial wisdom of God from coming into your life

b.    The supernatural financial favor of God from coming into your life

IV.   Satan attacks your financial prosperity by trying to plant something in you to produce something in your life

A.    Matthew 4:1-Satan comes over here to Jesus and says, “If thou be the Son of God.”

1.     That image in you is created by what you’ve been exposed to (words, experiences, circumstances, and what you’ve be taught)

2.     What’s he trying to plant in Jesus?---Maybe I’m not

a.    He’s coming after how Jesus sees himself

b.    Jesus is the son of God whether he sees himself that way or not, he is

(1)      If Satan can get an image in Jesus that says he’s not, he will still be the Son of God, but it won’t manifest in this world

(2)      EX: Jesus is out here 40 years old still building houses because he doesn’t believe he’s the son of God

c.     Jesus didn’t take the bait and the next that happens is this “Son of God” starts manifesting (Luke 4:16)

(1)      He had to believe he was the son of God with no physical evidence to back that and when he did, it started manifesting

(2)      Your prosperity is waiting on your image

3.     He’s trying to plant an image in Jesus that, “You’re not,” and the reason that he’s trying to plant that image in Jesus that “he’s not” is because Satan knows “he is”

4.     How’s Satan trying to plant that image?

a.    He’s using words and experiences in the natural

b.    If Jesus would have tried anything of those things he wouldn’t have succeeded because they would not have been done in faith

5.     Satan’s approach with you:

a.    Satan wants to plant a middle-class, paycheck to paycheck, comfortable enough image in you to produce that in your life

(1)      He’s using your salary, paycheck, checkbook, your circumstances, the government, and the people in the world to plant something in you that says you’re not rich; That has to be rooted out

(2)      Poverty is dangerous for him because if you get living in a box you’ll get so desperate you’ll have to rely on God and you’ll end up being extremely rich

b.    Even though you are rich, if he can get you to see yourself a different way, rich will never manifest in your life (2 Cor 8:9)

c.     He’s going to use words, experiences, and circumstances to get the wrong image in you that you’re not rich and the reason he is doing that is because he knows you are rich

B.     Matthew 15:11

1.     11-What comes out of the mouth goes into the heart and defiles a man

a.    It’s not what’s going on in this natural world that’s defiling your financial prosperity it’s what you’ve allowed in your heart

2.     13-Every image that God didn’t plant has to be rooted up

3.     14-They can’t see because they are blind; they don’t see the truth

a.    If you go somebody leading you that doesn’t see himself rich, you won’t see yourself rich

4.     19,20-These things in the heart defile a man and they must be rooted out