Matthew Allaria Ministries

Study Notes

The study notes in this section are Matthew’s personal outlines and therefore they have not been edited.  As a result, you will find some grammatical errors.

Totally Redeemed


FOUNDATION STATEMENT: We have to develop a redeemed mindset, a total victory mindset.  We’ve have to think blessed not cursed. – Hebrews 9:12 (AMP)-Your redemption is complete


I.      Where we started

A.    Genesis 1:26-28 – Adam was created in the very image and likeness of God

1.     Ezekiel 1:27 – God is a fire from his loins up and to his loins down

2.     Genesis 2:23 – Man-Comes from the word “Ish” which means fire

B.     Adam was created with the forces of God on the inside of him (faith, joy, love)

1.     As long as Adam was hooked to God those forces where working

2.     When Adam unhooked from God and hooked up to Satan everything in him was perverted and going 180 degrees in the opposite direction

C.    There was enough power in Adam to bless the whole Earth (Genesis 1:26-28)

1.     He hooked to the enemy and the power to bless became the power to curse

D.    Through Adam’s treason Satan became the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4, Luke 4)

1.     2 Corinthians 4:4-He didn’t get that title off of God, he got that off of Adam

a.    Psalm 8:4, Psalm 82 – Adam was the god of this world

2.     Luke 4:6-Satan gained authority in the Earth through Adam’s transgression

a.    God have Adam dominion over all the Earth (Genesis 1:26)

b.    When Adam bowed his knee to the enemy that authority was transferred into his hands

II.     God is on the outside looking in and he needs to make a covenant with man so that he can get back in this thing

A.    God set the system up so that to operate on Earth you have to a body

1.     Why didn’t God just come and do something?  Because he needed a body to work with and through

2.     God couldn’t create another man from the dust of the ground, because he didn’t own the dust of the ground besides that it was cursed

3.     He can’t do it through the seed of man because there is sin in there

B.     In essence God did the same thing to Abraham that Satan did to Adam (Gen 17)

1.     He got a man to chose him as God and now God’s got a way in

C.    God needs a contract with natural man by which He can bring forth legally the redemption plan that would set man free

1.     Abraham could have refused the covenant if He wanted to

D.    God, through His covenant people, began to speak words prophesying about the coming of Jesus and those words became flesh and dwelt among men.  God’s getting His plan into motion through men that chose him (John 1:14).

III.   The purpose from Jesus’ coming

A.    Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8)

1.     Destroy-To dissolve, undo, do away with, overthrow, melt, annul, break up, sever, to take away, to cause to cease, to put an end to

2.     Undo-To reverse what has been done; to annul or bring to naught any transaction; unravel, unfasten, to loose, to open, untie

3.     Dissolve-To waste away and cause to vanish

4.     Annul-To make void, nullify, to reduce to nothing; to make void by someone in authority

5.     Jesus came to get you hooked back up to God where those forces are working again

B.     Jesus came so that we could have zoe-life and have it abundantly (John 10:10)

1.     Zoe-life is the power that darkness and death cannot overcome

2.     Zoe-life is the glory of God, the power of God, it is God himself

3.     Zoe-life is what God crowned Adam with

4.     Zoe-life healing power of God that removes all sickness, it’s the prospering power of God that removes all lack

C.    He came to get man back the place where he stood before the fall

IV.   The price for redemption

A.    To redeem us from our sins Jesus had to pay the full price for our sins

1.     There’s a physical price that has to be paid because through sin comes curse manifested in the physical realm

2.     There’s a spiritual price that has to be paid because through sin people have spiritual death working their lives have to spend eternity in hell

B.     Jesus didn’t commit sin therefore death, sickness, disease, and the curse had no way of coming on him (John 8:29)

1.     Jesus lived a life that was free from the curse of the law because he never violated the law; he lived a redeemed life (John 8:58-59)

2.     You don’t obey God all the time and have the curse working in your life

C.    For the curse and death to come into his life he had to have sin (Romans 5:12)

1.     Jesus didn’t commit sin; He was made to be sin with my sin (2 Cor 5:21)

a.    With my sin came the curse and death

2.     John 3:14-He went to the cross a lamb; when he bore our sin he became a serpent

a.    On the cross he became the child molester, the rapist, the murder

D.    Jesus went to the very bottom of the pit of hell (Matthew 12:40, Acts 2:31, 2:24)

1.     Isaiah 53:9 – He made his grave with the wicked in his deaths

a.    The wicked went to hell, not to paradise

2.     Luke 23:43 – Shoal was the upper regions of hell and it was called paradise

a.    Those Old Testaments saints were saved in that they weren’t harmed, but no man went to Heaven until Jesus made the way (John 3:13)

3.     To pay the full price of sin, Jesus had to experience the full torment of sin

a.    The full torment of all of our sins is more than just physical torment b/c if a person dies a sinner, the spiritual torment would be far greater than the physical torment

b.    If Jesus didn’t experience the fullness of what we would have experienced for our sins, then the full price wouldn’t have been paid

c.     Jesus had to die the death of a sinner and a sinner doesn’t go to paradise, a sinner goes into the very pit of hell.

E.     What Jesus suffered

1.     Physically

a.    Isaiah 53:5-He lifted and carried my griefs and sorrows.  The wounds that should have come on me for my transgression were on him.  The brokenness that should have come on me for my iniquities were on him.  The punishment for my peace was on him. 

b.    Isaiah 52:14-He was marred until didn’t resemble a man

2.     Spiritually – Jesus died spiritually (Isaiah 53:9 – In his deaths)

a.    Matthew 27:46 – God who is Life left him  (John 1:1-5, John 1:5)

1)       Spiritual death is to be disconnected from the father

2)       Adam disconnected and died spiritually through rebellion, Jesus died spiritually and disconnected through obedience

3.     How did Jesus die spiritually? 

a.    The only way that spiritual death can come on a person is through sin (Rom 5:12)

1)       2 Corinthians 5:21 – Jesus never sinned, so he used our sin and that’s how spiritual death got on him

2)       Phil 2:8-He submitted to death, by taking our sin and deactivating zoe

4.     The worst thing that happened to Jesus was that His Father turned his back on him and said I never knew you and he became attached to everything that he was created to hate and despise (Matthew 27:46)

a.    He became a spiritual orphan so you wouldn’t have to be

V.    Jesus’ triumph

A.    In the depths of the very pit of hell God spoke to Jesus and Jesus was born-again from death unto life

1.     1 Timothy 3:16 – Justified in the Spirit

2.     1 Peter 3:18 – To be made alive in the spirit you would have to be dead first

3.     Colossians 1:18 – Jesus was the first born from the dead – He was the first man every born from spiritual death to spiritual life

a.    That’s not talking about physical death because others raised from the dead before him (Lazarus, Jairus’ daughter, The Widow’s Son)

b.    Romans 8:29 – Firstborn among many brethren

4.     Hebrews 1:5-6 – These are the words that raised Jesus from the dead

a.    Philippians 2:16, 1 John 1:1 – God the Word of life into His spirit right there in the pit of hell and Jesus got born again.

B.     Jesus defeated the enemy

1.     Hebrews 2:14-15

2.     Colossians 2:14-15

a.    Spoiled– to strip off or to put off as one would put off his garments; the disarming of an enemy – literally stripping his weaponry and artillery from him and leaving him without any weapons with which to respond; stripping one to the point of complete nakedness.

b.    Show – to display or to expose something; the display of captives, weaponry, and trophies that were seized during war on foreign soil; once the war was over the winner would return home displaying and exposing the treasures, trophies, weaponry, and captives that he had seized; this was a humiliating experience for the enemy

c.     Openly-Boldness, confidence, something that is done blatantly or even publicly.  He boldly, confidently, loudly, blatantly, publicly exposed and displayed the defeated foe

d.    Triumphing (triambeuo) – the general who was returning home from a grand victory in the enemy’s territory.  A glorious triumphal parade.  The returning victory would lead the parade in on a white stallion and behind him bound in chains would be the defeated king/foe.  He would strut with pride, flaunting his defeated foes.  In other words he would make a show of them openly. 

3.     One born again man defeated all of hell (Hebrews 1:3)

4.     Hell had no idea what they had done when they crucified Jesus ( 1 Cor 2:8)

VI.   Jesus paid the price and took back the authority that Adam lost in the Garden of Eden and placed it into the hands of believers

A.    The first thing that happens when you are recreated is that your receive dominion and authority in the Earth

1.     Genesis 1 – The first thing that God did when he created man in the garden of Eden was give him authority in the Earth

2.     Matthew 28:18 – Jesus gave the power right back to us

3.     Matthew 16:19 – I do the binding and the loosing on the Earth and I have the power of Heaven to back me

4.     Ephesians 2:2, Romans 5:5, 1 John 4:4 – That eternal, zoe, life force of God was imparted into my spirit when I got born again

5.     Ephesians 1:19 (AMP) – The power that raised Jesus from the dead and that caused him to defeat every demon in hell and all of hell is now on the inside of me; That zoe, that life-force, that power that raised Jesus from the dead is on the inside of me now

B.     This life force is what raised Jesus from the dead seated at the right hand of the Father above all principality, all power, all might, and all dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come (Ephesians 1:20-21)

1.     Ephesians 2:1-6 – We are sitting with him

2.     1 John 4:17 – As he is (right now) so are we in this world (right now, not after you die and go to Heaven

C.    Love was behind the redemption (Isaiah 63:9, Psalm 136:24, Deuteronomy 7:8)

D.    Your redemption was abundant (Psalm 130:7)