Matthew Allaria Ministries

Study Notes

The study notes in this section are Matthew’s personal outlines and therefore they have not been edited.  As a result, you will find some grammatical errors.

A Strong Spirit


Foundation Statement: One of the main reasons why believers are dominated by the flesh is because they feed it and exercise it and as they do the flesh becomes strong.  Meanwhile they starve their spirit and don’t exercise it and as they do it becomes weak.  When it comes down to doing what the flesh wants versus what the spirit wants whoever is stronger (the spirit or flesh) will dominate the other. – Proverbs 18:14


I.      His spirit isn’t strong enough to rise up and take control of his body and soul (Romans 7:14-23)

A.    14-Carnal-He’s fleshy and governed by his unrenewed nature

1.      14-AMP-Sin’s controlling him through his unrenewed soul that has trained his body

B.     15-20-His spirit isn’t strong enough to rise up and take control of his soul and body

1.      He can’t do the things he (his spirit) wants to do

C.    21-The part of him that wants to do right is his spirit

D.    22-When you spirit gets fed the word of God it delights

E.     23-His flesh is dominating is spirit and he can’t do the things his spirit wants and his mind knows is right

1.      His spirit isn’t strong enough to break out of that captivity and dominate his body and soul

II.     To dominate the flesh you’re spirit is going to have to be stronger than it.  If your unrenewed mind and poorly trained body are stronger than your spirit they’ll dominate it.

A.    Your inner man can be strong or it can be weak even though he’s born again and created in God’s image

1.      Ephesians 3:14-If you can be strengthened in the inner man, then you can be weak in the inner man

2.      Luke 1:80, 2:40,52-If Jesus grew strong in spirit you can be weak in spirit

3.      2 Corinthians 4:16-The inward man is grown up, newly strengthened

4.      1 Corinthians 16:13, Ephesians 6:10 – Be strong in spirit; Weak bodies and souls are the results of a weak spirit

5.      Our spirits need to be strong so it can dominate the soul and body

a.    Spirits get weak when they are not properly nourished

B.     A weak spirit won’t be able to dominate the flesh.  If we’re going to dominate the flesh and live a life ruled by our spirits then our spirit has to be strong (Ezekiel 16:28-30)

1.      They had a weak spirit and that’s why they kept giving into the flesh

2.      Evidence that your spirit is weak is that you keep doing these things and giving into the flesh

3.      Evidence that your spirit is strong is that you’re not giving into the flesh, but you’re telling it no

III.   You develop a strong spirit by

A.    The proper diet

1.      To have a strong spirit it must be nourished up on the words of faith. (1 Timothy 4:6)

a.    If words of faith nourish you up, then refuse irreverent legends and godless fictions will make your spirit weak

b.    Words of faith will keep you nourished spiritually.  Words of compromise, words of fear, words of unbelief, godless fictions, will keep you weak spiritually.

2.      Like food is strength and nourishment to your body the word of God is strength and nourishment to your spirit (1 Peter 2:2, Hebrews 5:12-14).

a.    It’s your spirit that’s desiring and growing by that Word; your unrenewed soul doesn’t desire that word it fights it

1)       Your spirit grows, your soul is renovated

2)       Your soul is developed/renovated based on the nourishment of your spirit

b.    Jeremiah ate the words of God and they were joy and strength unto his heart/spirit (Jeremiah 15:16)

1)       Nehemiah 8:10 – Joy is strength

c.     Paul said he delights in the law of God in his spirit (Romans 7:22)

1)       The word of God was joy and strength to his spirit

d.    You go a few days without the word and your spirit gets weak and you’ll be giving into the flesh.

3.      You eat words as you hear them with your ears (Job 34:3)

4.      Spiritually you are what you eat (Proverbs 4:23, 23:7, 3 John 2)

a.    If you keep your spirit nourished up on the words of God it will tell your mind what to think and your body what to do.  Your mind will think and your body will do in line with the words that strengthened your spirit.  You’ll live a character life which is a life that’s protected, prosperous, and powerful. 

b.    2 Timothy 2:16-Those types of words will lead to a weak spirit that won’t be able to dominate the flesh and you’ll be walking in ungodliness constantly giving into the flesh.  You’ll be out of character, protection, prosperity, and power.

1)       1 Timothy 4:6-The words of God will lead to godliness

B.     The proper exercise

1.      You exercise and train your spirit (1 Timothy 4:7)

a.    Exercise – Train, practice, exercise vigorously

b.    You exercise by practicing, training in, and doing what you heard

c.     People who just eat without exercise can eventually become obese 

2.      For exercise to be effective and strength to be developed there has to be resistance/pressure to what you’re doing

a.    You start a faith project (do what the word says, work on something) to go against the resistance necessary to develop

1)       It’s important that you’re exercising your faith and using your faith all the time to find the resistance necessary to develop

2)       I don’t weight for pressure to show up to exercise, I go in search of pressure

b.    People who don’t do what they heard from the heard are never encountering the pressure and resistance necessary to develop.

1)       It’s when I begin to do that word that I heard that I’ll encounter pressure (the unrenewed mind and poorly trained body won’t want to do what the word says) necessary to develop

3.      Suffering the flesh not getting its way will strengthen your spirit (1 Pet 5:10)

a.    The suffering of doing what the word says when your unrenewed mind and poorly trained body don’t won’t to will make you strong spiritually

1)       Your spirit is putting pressure on the pressure of your flesh

b.    In exercise you’re doing what the spirit wants and not what the flesh wants and you have the ability to do that because your spirit has strength from being fed properly

1)       If your spirit is not fed properly you want be effective in your exercise

4.      When you encounter the pressure of resistance and you put pressure on that resistance you’ll get stronger

a.    Over time the same amount of resistance will feel like nothing to you because you’ve gotten stronger

1)       If you are caving in under pressure you’ll never develop

b.    Over time your mind gets renewed and your body gets retrained they don’t put as much pressure on you; not only that but your spirit gets stronger

C.    The proper amount of rest (Hebrews 4:10-11)

1.      Your own works (doing things that neither God nor the Holy Spirit told you do) will make you weak and drain you spiritually

a.    When you get outside of what God told you to do and into your own works you’re not resting and without rest you’ll be weak

b.    It’s YOUR OWN WORKS that make you weak spiritually

1)       Be led of the spirit and do what he tells you to do because that’s where your rest is

2)       Sin and disobedience are your own works and they’ll make you weak spiritually

2.      You enter into rest by love and faith and miss out on rest by fear and unbelief (Hebrews 4:3)

a.    Unbelief and fear are you own works and they’ll lead to a weak spirit; God told you to fear not and believe only (2 Corinthians 4:16 AMP)

b.    You rest by fearing not and believing only and your spirit strong

1)       When you don’t have a care in the world and you’re trusting God that’s the resting lifestyle of love and faith

D.    Too many believers try to live victorious lives while being weak spiritually and they can’t do it

1.      People feel like things are such a struggle in their lives is because their spirits are weak