Matthew Allaria Ministries

Study Notes

The study notes in this section are Matthew’s personal outlines and therefore they have not been edited.  As a result, you will find some grammatical errors.

Overcoming An Inferiority Complex

I.      The biggest problem many people have is they reject what the mirror says

A.    Satan wants you to believe you are something other than what God says (Proverbs 23:7)

B.     If your identity is unknown your potential will be unmanifested (Mark 4:35)

C.    The enemy will have a voice trying to shape your image and keep your potential trapped

D.    Satan attempts to steal your identity through your feelings, circumstances, and people so always go to the mirror of the Word to get your identity

E.     It’s pride when God says one thing about you, you say another

1.     1 Peter 5:6-Humility is the inward condition of a heart that is totally submitted to God and to his word.

2.     2 Corinthians 12:6, Obadiah 3-Humility is reality

3.     Romans 12:3-If God doesn’t want us to think too lowly

II.     Overcoming inferiority

A.    Colossians 2:18-Satan wants to defraud you of your rightful identity through depiction so that you’ll miss out on all the good things that come with that identity

1.     He often times does that by attempting to produce a sense of inferiority

B.     Judges 6-8-Gideon

1.     6:1,2-Your identity is shaped by your experiences, instruction, and exposures

a.      Seven years of oppression will put something in you and it will take you the place where you don’t remember it any other way

b.      Genesis 12:1-When God was ready to take Abraham higher the first thing that he addressed was getting him away from voices that were shaping his identity

1)      EX: That guy had to take that eagle far enough away from the chicken coop until the Eagle couldn’t see it any more

c.      Proverbs 13:20, 1 Corinthians 15:33-Who you surround yourself with matters

1)      Galatians 5:7-9-A little leaven leavens the whole lump

2.     6:11,12-The mighty man of valor

a.      He’s hiding is wheat in the winepress so the bully won’t take it from him

b.      God sees that and calls things that be not as though they were

1)      God is putting a new image in him

3.     6:13-16-God’s word bumped into an image that was created by 7 years of bondage

a.      14-God’s putting a new image in him, but he can’t see it yet

b.      15-The mirror said he was a mighty man of valor; he rejects it  

c.      15-He’s the seed of Abraham, but he’s identifying with is poor family

1)      Abraham had the blessing on his life and because of that blessing he was very rich and with that blessing he took 318 trained servants into battle on defeated the strongest army on the Earth in that day

2)      The covenant that God made was with Abraham and his seed after him

a)     Deuteronomy 28:7-The promises to the seed of Abraham

b)     Genesis 17:7-The covenant was with Abraham and his seed

c)     Genesis 22:17-Part of that covenant was that his see would possess the gate of his enemies

d.      Instead of indentifying with being a seed of Abraham, a son of God, and a joint-heir with Jesus you’re identifying with the family you’re from or what the circumstances say about you---With whom do you identify?

1)      You are to identify primarily with Jesus

4.     6:22-He’s the seed of Abraham, but he’s not conscious of it; he doesn’t see himself that way but seeing God and dying was right on the forefront of his mind

a.      Many believers are more conscious of the wrong things than they are the right things---We’ve all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God---Many are the afflictions of the righteous---In the world you’ll have tribulation

5.     6:25-27-There’s an image of inferiority that’s been built in a lot of believers that’s not in line with God and His Word and it must come down

6.     7:9-15-God’s still getting working to get that inferiority out of him

a.      13-14-For the first time he doesn’t see himself as inferior

7.     8:4-9,13-21-He’s hiding wheat yesterday and now today he’s a whole different man

a.      18-To those kings, Gideon looked like the son of a King; he looked like that outside because he saw himself like that inside

b.      20-He’s got fear in him because his daddy had probably put that there

8.     When the identity that one man had of himself changed his whole world changed

III.   You are not inferior

A.    In the time of attack you are to have no sense of inferiority

1.     Ephesians 1:19, 2:6-You are seated with him far above all principality, all power, all might, all dominion and every name that’s named

2.     1 John 4:4-Greater is not inferior

a.      Greater-Persons eminent for the virtue, authority and power, those who surpass others in nature and power

3.     This so-called religious humility/false humility isn’t impressing God at all

B.     The mighty men of David had no sense of inferiority (2 Samuel 22:8-12 Message) 8 This is the listing of David's top men. Adino the Eznite He was chief of the Three. He once put his spear to work against eight hundred—killed them all in a day. 9-10 Eleazar son of Dodai the Ahohite was the next of the elite Three. He was with David when the Philistines poked fun at them at Pas Dammim. When the Philistines drew up for battle, Israel retreated. But Eleazar stood his ground and killed Philistines right and left until he was exhausted—but he never let go of his sword! A big win for God that day. The army then rejoined Eleazar, but all there was left to do was the cleanup. 11-12 Shammah son of Agee the Hararite was the third of the Three. The Philistines had mustered for battle at Lehi, where there was a field full of lentils. Israel fled before the Philistines, but Shammah took his stand at the center of the field, successfully defended it, and routed the Philistines. Another great victory for God!

1.     8-Adino went against 800 at one time and did not feel inferior

2.     10-Eleazar, the son of Dodo, and David defeated a whole army

3.     11-Shammah stood, when Israel fled and one a great victory

C.    Jesus stared death in the face and didn’t flinch (Isaiah 53:12 message)

1.     David stared Goliath right in the face and didn’t flinch (1 Samuel 17:45)