Matthew Allaria Ministries

Study Notes

The study notes in this section are Matthew’s personal outlines and therefore they have not been edited.  As a result, you will find some grammatical errors.

Faith In God's Ability

I.      Believing God Can-His Ability (Romans 4:21)

A.    If you don’t believe God can or God’s power is capable of, then there’s no reason to talk about will God or is it God’s will for you because in you’re heart and mind he can’t and His power isn’t enough

1.     Can He doesn’t clarify this enough: Is there any situation or circumstance that the power of God will be insufficient in what it’s up against?

a.      You have to stir yourself up that the power of God that is available to me is more than enough to overcome in any situation or circumstance

2.     Mark 9:22-This guy lacked faith in his ability and willingness

a.      Jesus puts the responsibility back on this man’s faith

b.      The responsibility of you receiving is not on God’s power because His power is more than enough and it’s not on God’s willingness because He wants you to have it; the responsibility of you receiving is on your faith

B.     Is your problem too much for God’s power?

1.     Rom, 4:21, Jer 1:12-Do you believe God’s power is enough to manifest your victory

2.     Gen 18:14-She thought their old bodies were too much for the power of God

3.     Numbers 11:18-23 (AMP)-Moses thought a million people being fed meat for a month in the wilderness is too much for the power of God

a.      How is not the right question; the right 1: is it too much for God’s power?

b.      How is that going to happen?---I am working with God’s power

4.     Remember the power ur using-Not what ur power can do, but what can His do

a.      Many people really aren’t stirred up to the power of God can bring this to pass

C.    We can magnify the problem where we see it as too much for the power of God

1.     Most people are in self-deception and when they are at this place they don’t they are because they know this thing is not too much for God’s power

a.      They’re mentally ascending or bowing their minds to the fact that God’s power is more than enough for this situation, but they don’t believe that

b.      It doesn’t matter what you know, it matters what you believe and if you real belief immediately effects your attitude with joy and peace

2.     What you give your thoughts and attention to will become bigger in your mind

a.      Numbers 13

1)      27-29,31-33,14:1-4-As they spend time focusing on the walled cities, strong people, and giants those things got bigger than God in their mind

a)     31-We be not able-We don’t have the power to accomplish the task

2)      30,14:7-9-As they spent time focusing on God and His Word he got bigger than the problem in their minds

a)     30-We are well able-We have the power to prevail and overcome

3)      14:8-9-HE will-They know they’re were dealing with God’s power

b.      Samuel 17-You got people exalting the problem vs. one despising it

1)      They saw that giant for 40 days and focused on Him and went back in their tents and talked about how big He was and as then gave their attention to him, in their mind he was too much for God’s power

2)      David’s been out shepherding those sheep and fellowshipping with the father and being a doer of the Word (with that lion and bear) and giving His attention to God and in his mind this was easy (25-30,33-34,42-48)

D.    Magnify God not the problem

1.     When you magnify a thing you don’t make it bigger you see it bigger

a.      See God’s power bigger than your problem

b.      I know you know God’s power is bigger, but do you see it bigger 

2.     Psalm 34:3-Magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together

a.      Magnify-To make great, to cause to grow; God’s great without you making him great; make him great, bigger, and cause him to grow in your mind

b.      Exalt-Lift up high and lofty; Lift up to a high and lofty place His name/power

3.     Luke 1:27-46-This is the answer to how this is going to happen is God’s power

a.      38-Her “faith fight” wasn’t over after she said this

1)      The enemy says, “Yeah right, you’re going to have a baby with no man.”

b.      46-Her mind, will, and emotions are seeing God bigger than this situation

E.     In Jesus’ hometown their incomplete faith limited his power

1.     Eph 3:20-God’s able to according to the power of faith & love that works in us

2.     Psalm 78:41-The limited God’s power with their offense and unbelief

3.     Mark 6:1-6-The limited Jesus’ power with their offense and unbelief

a.      5-He didn’t say he wouldn’t do it said he couldn’t do

F.     The ability of God’s power

1.     To heal

a.      Matthew 15:30-Lame-Crippled, deprived of foot; Blind-No sight; Dumb-Crippled in tongue, speechless, deaf; Maimed-Crooked, injured, disabled, mutilated

b.      Matt 4:24-Lunatic-Epiletic; Palsy-Paralytic; All who had diseases

c.      John 5:1-The guy who had an infirmity 38 years

2.     To provide

a.      Genesis 26:1,16-Isaac was rich when there was famine in the land

b.      1 Kings 10:23-Solomon was the richest of all the kings in the Earth

c.      2 Chronicles 9-David stored up billions for the house of God

d.      Exodus 3-The children of Israel left Egypt with their silver and gold

e.      Num 11:23-God got meat to a million people in the wilderness with no KFC

f.       Matthew 14:15-Jesus fed close around 10,000 in a desert place

3.     To give victory (Judges 6,7-For ever 450 they had Gideon had 1)

4.     To protect (Daniel 3, John 8:59)