Matthew Allaria Ministries

Study Notes

The study notes in this section are Matthew’s personal outlines and therefore they have not been edited.  As a result, you will find some grammatical errors.

A Speaking Spirit

Foundation Statement: To speak with power that changes natural things you’re going to have to speak from a loaded heart instead of a loaded head


I.      We live in a word created world

A.    Where did this natural world come from?

1.     God, who is a Spirit, spoke words, & believed that what he said would come to pass and created every natural thing (Psalm 33:6)

a.      John 4:24-A spirit being spoke words and created this natural world; not a natural head, but a spirit being; a spirit, spoke

2.     God used His words and His faith and created the natural world (Hebrews 11:3)

a.      He had it in him and spoke and believed that what He said would happen

3.     The natural came from the spiritual – God, who is a spirit, speaking

B.     This natural world was created by a spirit being speaking words; Words become things

1.     Words are seeds and the job of a seed is to become (Luke 8:11, Mark 4)

a.      Jesus is talking about speaking words to people & having those words become

b.      The words he speaks gets in the hearts, they’ll say it out their mouths and it’ll come to pass in their lives

c.      What he speaks is going to become something in the natural realm

2.     Gen 3:15, Is 53, 9:6, Jer 23:5, Lk 1,Jn 1:14-Words became physical flesh

a.      There’s something to be said here about men speaking these words

b.      Men got this in their heart and spoke it out their mouths

3.     Proverbs 4:22, Psalm 107:20-Words became physical healing to flesh

4.     John 8:32-Words become physical freedom

5.     Mark 4:35-Peace was words first.  Be still was words first.  Words became. 

6.     Mark 11:12-Words became a cursed tree

7.     1 Samuel 17:45-Words became victory

8.     Daniel 3:16-Words became deliverance

II.     Spirit has dominion/control/power over natural

A.    The natural was created by spirit and therefore is subject to spirit

1.     The creator always has dominion over the creation

a.      EX: A car is created by a man and therefore is subject to a man

2.     That’s why Jesus could walk on water b/c he’s spirit; that’s why he could multiply the fish and loaves; that’s why he could walk through angry people unharmed; that’s why he could touch a leper and not get leprosy because he’s a spirit operating as a spirit through a body above the natural

a.      He’s not subject to water, natural lack, death, leprosy; they’re subject 2 him

B.     The more you learn to operate out of your spirit the more dominion you’ll operate in, in the natural realm

1.     Satan wants you governed by your flesh because it keeps you from dominion

2.     Adam was a spirit being, who lived in a body, and he was created for dominion

a.      28-He was going to subdue it with his spirit, his words, and his faith

b.      Adam lost dominion when he operating as flesh instead of spirit

C.    Things created by God’s Spirit, God’s faith and God’s words can be changed, altered, and controlled by God’s spirit, God’s Faith, and God’s words

1.     9-God created the sea and dry land with His Words-Mark 11:23, Mark 4:35

2.     11-12-God told to Earth to bring forth and it brought forth-Mark 11:12

3.     16-God made the moon and the sun with His Words-Joshua 10:12

4.     2:7-God made your body with dirt that was made by His words-Mark 7:33

D.    God made you (spirit) in His image, gave you His faith, & gave you His words

1.     Genesis 2:7-Speaking-spirits-We were created to believe, speak and have it

a.      Natural things respond to speaking spirits

2.     Your heart is also known as your spirit

a.      When you get the word in your heart/spirit in abundance then you’ll speak words from your spirit and not your head and natural things will respond

3.     When we load our heart with the word and speak from our spirit in faith we can change natural things with our words

a.      Things haven’t been responding to our words b/c we’ve been speaking from our head or an unloaded heart instead of our spirit

4.     Joshua 1:8, 10:24-Joshua loaded his heart day and night and spoke to the moon and sun as a speaking spirit in faith and it obeyed him

a.      The only reason you’d speak 2 the moon & sun is b/c u believe it’ll obey

5.     Revelation 1:6, Romans 5:17, Ecclesiastes 8:4-Where the kings word is there is power

E.     When you start speaking out of ur heart, in faith, you’re operating totally out of ur spirit

1.     That’s why you must believe and that’s why it must be in your heart in abundance because when it is you begin to operate your spirit

2.     You have to get to the place where you’re not talking from your head, but you’re talking from your heart

III.   The power of your words to affect the natural world

A.    Numbers 22-He believes His Words have power b/c he won’t say just anything

1.     6-Their too might for us, but your words can stop them

2.     6-What you say comes to pass

3.     8-I’ll only say what God says

4.     17-I’ll give you whatever you want if you just say this

5.     18-I can only say what God said

6.     35-Go with them, but only say what I say

7.     38-I can only say what God says

8.     23:5-The Lord put something in his mouth

9.     23:11-This upset him so because he knows his words have power

10.  23:25-Don’t curse them or bless them

B.     Mark 11-The more you believe you’ll have what you say, the more you’ll have what you say; as your faith in your words rises, so to will the power of your words rise

1.     You have to have faith in the power of your words (as result of these words-23)

a.      You have to have faith in your faith (as a result of these words)

2.     If you don’t believe your words have power, you won’t see them work for your good, but you will see them work for your bad; Satan will use anything

a.      Many believers believe their words have no power and they say anything; but when they get spiritual and try to speak to something nothing happens

3.     Evidence that you believe that what you say will come to pass is that you watch every word you say

a.      Why would I not say that? Because I believe that what I say will happen

b.      The more I develop in that the more power I’ll see my words have

C.    As you do this you’re training your spirit to bring to pass everything you say

1.     You’re developing faith that your words will come to pass and that trains your spirit to bring to pass everything you say