Matthew Allaria Ministries

Study Notes

The study notes in this section are Matthew’s personal outlines and therefore they have not been edited.  As a result, you will find some grammatical errors.

The Thought Life Of Jesus

I.      Matthew 4-Jesus won the battle in the mind

A.    When Jesus is hearing Satan’s voice he’s hearing it in the realm of his soul/thoughts

1.      People have tendency to think that when God or Satan speaks to somebody that it is always heard audibly with the physical ear, but that’s not the case

a.    John 8:38, Proverbs 16:30-When Satan was showing these people things they weren’t having open visions of him, it would simply come up like a thought

2.      Satan always attacks with words first, because words will give you thoughts and thoughts received will become faith in your heart and determine what you believe and the way you go and the destination that you reach (Genesis 3-He said to them)

B.     When Jesus is being tempted, tested and tried and it leads to this great promotion it is in the realm of his thought life-Luke 4:1-14

1.      Every test and in that regard every promotion begins on the level of your thought life

2.      How are you going to deal with and handle your thoughts? God is watching

3.      Our thought life is a big deal to God, the problem is it hasn’t been a big deal to us

II.     Isaiah 26:3-We have heard it taught and say amen, but this is one of the biggest areas where people are not doing the word and we know this is true because peace is absent in so many people lives

A.    The absence of peace is evidence of mishandled thought life

1.      This lack of peace, this heaviness, this sorrow and discouragement is the result of our disobedience to do what God said regarding your thought life

B.     John 14:1-If your heart is troubled you let it get that way because you disobeyed God and didn’t guard your thought life and win the battle in the mind

1.      ERV-Don’t be troubled; PHIL-You must not let yourselves be distressed

2.      Jesus said do not let your heart be troubled and we say well everybody every now and then is going to get down, it’s just natural; you got that right it’s natural, fleshy and not spiritual

C.    Jesus wasn’t the prince of peace by default; He guarded is thought life and that’s why we see him have such peace in every situation-Isaiah 9:2

1.      There were certain places he just wouldn’t let his mind go

a.    John 8, John 11, Luke 8-When we see the master in peace we must recognize it is the fruit of an impeccably guarded thought life

2.      You do realize that Jesus was attacked in his thought life on a daily basis; he’s not just walking around never being attacked, but rather he had every opportunity to take a negative thought that you do and most likely he had more opportunities than you had

a.    James 1:14-Temption of every kind always begins in the realm of your thoughts

b.    Hebrews 4:15-He was tempted like we are, this is in his thought life

3.      Matthew 26:36-37-He is being attacked in his thought life

a.    Luke 22:44-When he was attacked in his thought life he earnestly fixed his mind

b.    39-Immediatley with his words he begins to fix his thoughts on God

c.     45-He did this for three hours and now he’s got peace “made peace with it”

d.    52-Peter tried to chop a guys ear off and Jesus has perfect peace

4.      He NEVER let a thought pass through his head that didn’t line up with the Word of God without casting it down…ooooh, ahhhh, wow

III.   Romans 8:6-How you deal with your thought life is a life or death issue and when your thought life becomes life or death to you, you’ll guard it

A.    3-When Satan came to him why did he come to Jesus and how did he come?

1.      John 10:10-He came for one of three reasons or a combination of these three reasons: to steal, to kill, or to destroy

2.      How? - He came with words on the level of his thought life

a.    When Satan comes to steal, kill & destroy he comes on the level of your thought life and that’s why your thought life is a life or death issue

b.    The entry way to him stealing, killing, and destroying is through your mind

B.     Your mind is the gateway to your heart-Proverbs 4:20-24

1.      Satan knows the only way into a person’s life is through their heart and the only way into their heart is through their mind

a.    Your heart is the gateway to your life and your mind is the gateway to your heart

b.    Satan knows whatever you allow into your heart, you’ve given him a right to bring it pass in your life

2.      Your heart is the reproduction center of your life – Whatever gets to the heart in the word form the heart will produce in life form

a.    Philippians 2:16-The Word of Life (words of life) that gets into our heart will be life and healing to you words of death that get into our heart will be death to you

3.      God’s words that you hear and give your mind to create faith in your heart and faith acted upon gives God access to manifest life in your life

a.    Satan’s words that you hear and give your mind to create fear in your heart and fear acted upon gives Satan access to manifest death in your life

4.      The only way to guard you heart is by guarding your mind

a.    Jesus guarded his heart above all guarding by guarding his thought life

5.      Satan will pull your string as far as you’ll let him; you take one negative thought and he won’t stop there

a.    Satan’s different than most believers in that he’s patient in his wicked works; if he can’t get you all at once he’s fine with a little at a time, a drop at a time because he knows the same drop that he started with is the same size drop that will cause you to break-Proverbs 7:21

C.    Examples of this life or death issue

1.      Gen3-Adam & Eve died because they mishandled their thought life

2.      Matt14-Peter could’ve died because he mishandled his thought life

3.      Mark 5-Jairus must have not feared, must have stayed in peace and therefore must have guarded his thought life and it was life or death for his daughter

a.    Fear not believe only was not only Jesus instructions to Jairus is was words that got rid of those wrong thoughts

4.      1 Sam 1-Hannah received her miracle because she got her thought life straight

5.      1 Kings 21-Naboth ended up dead because Ahab wouldn’t guard his thought life

IV.   How did Jesus win the battle in the mind?

A.    The word of God in Jesus’ mouth was the weapon he used to win this fight

1.      Is this attempt to steal, kill, and destroy spiritual warfare? Yes – 2 Corinthians 10:5

2.      The word of God if powerful-Hebrews 4:12, Romans 1:16

3.      The word of God is the sword of the spirit-Ephesians 6:17

4.      The word of God doesn’t become a sword until it’s spoken out of your mouth

5.      Revelation 1:16, 2:16, 19:15, 21

6.      We overcome him with the word out of our mouths-Revelation 12:11

B.     We should endeavor to deal with negative thoughts the same way the master did

1.      Every time the enemy spoke Jesus spoke

2.      He answered every negative thought by speaking words out of his mouth

a.    You have to answer every negative thought by saying what God says

b.    This is a snapshot of how Jesus lived everyday of his life

3.      The enemy tries to put thoughts in Jesus’ mind and his spirit would rise up and say what God said