Matthew Allaria Ministries

Study Notes

The study notes in this section are Matthew’s personal outlines and therefore they have not been edited.  As a result, you will find some grammatical errors.

The Inner Workings Of The Law Of Life

I.      The Kingdom of God is God’s way of doing things

A.    The world has a way of doing things or system of operation and God has a way of doing things a system of operation (Matthew 6:33, 12:26)

1.      The world has a way (politics, business, media, education, religion) & God has a way

2.      The world’s way of religion has believers crying, begging, weak, feeble beings & to them you never know what God is going to do, some things just has happen

B.     The KOG rules over all and there is no other system that can overpower it (Ps103:19)

1.      If we do not know how to work this system, work in the system, and function in this system we will not have access to the power of it

2.      Apart from God’s way of doing things, there is no power, no results, no success

C.    The way to get things added to my life that I need or desire is to seek the KOG (Mt 6:33)

1.      No matter what I need there is a way in the system of God to get it added to me

2.      What exactly am I supposed to seek when I seek the Kingdom of God?

II.     The Kingdom of God is like a man sowing seed into the ground-Mark 4:26

A.    Jesus compares the KOG system, the natural farming system; the KOG system is like the system of natural farming; God’s way of doing things is like farming

1.      To teach us about God’s way of doing things, Jesus taught us about a man sowing seed into the ground; he parallels the two

a.    In the system of natural farming you have 1) The farmer 2) The seed 3) The field/ground 4) The blade, the ear (tree) 5) The harvest

b.    In the KOG system you have 1) You the farmer 2) The Word-seed 3) The ground-heart 4) The development of your tree-faith 5) The harvest-manifestation

B.     In the KOG system the seed is the Word of God-Mark 4:11, Luke 8:11

1.      When you’re in need, the first thing you do in the KOG is go get the seed/the word

2.      W/o the seed a farmer has no potential to see a harvest; the harvest is in the seed

a.    To the farmer if you don’t have the seed, you have nothing

b.    In the system of farming the farmer will get nowhere w/o the seed; In the KOG you can’t do anything w/o the Word

c.     The Bible is not a book of rules, it’s a bag of seed

3.      It’s almost like believers have been taught the word doesn’t matter just pray

a.    John 15:7-A main principle of prayer is that you have the word abiding in you

4.      God does things with word-seed and heart-ground

a.    He knows the only way into the Earth is through a man’s heart and the only way into a man’s heart is through words

b.    When God wanted to produce something he started w/ word seed (Gen 1- creation, Gen 3-Jesus into the Earth, Rom 10-In salvation, Amos 3:7-Prophets)

C.    In the KOG system the soil or ground is the heart (Mark 4:15)

1.      Mark 4:28-U have no right to expect out in ur life, what hasn’t been sown in ur heart

D.    In the KOG system the blade, ear, & full corn in the ear is the development of your faith

1.      The fruit is always produced by a plant/tree that was grown from the seed

2.      The moment the seed of God’s word hits the ground of your heart, the seed and your ground begin to work together to produce faith (the blade, the ear, etc.)

a.    Romans 10:17-Words that you spend time with will produce faith in your heart

3.      Faith like a tree has to develop before it yields fruit

a.    Most people quit before their faith is developed

b.    There’s no apples coming off the blade

4.      The way the apple comes off the apple tree is the way the results of your life come off of the faith tree (Proverbs 23:7, Matthew 8:13)

a.    Your life is a product of what you believe

b.    You can’t produce fruit any fruit beyond that tree and you can’t produce any results in life beyond what you believe

1)       You can’t go any further in life than what you believe in your heart and you can’t believe any further than the words that you spend time with

c.     The kind of fruit you have is determined by the kind of tree you have and the kind of tree you have is determined by the seed you’ve sown-Matthew 12:33

E.     Your life is sum total of the words that you spend the most time with (Pr 4:23, Mt 12:37)

1.      Those words will produce your belief and your belief will yield fruit in your life

2.      The fruit you have is determined by the tree you have, the tree you have is determined by the seed that you’ve sown

III.   Working the System, Growing your harvest, The Law of life

A.    Example: A better marriage (1 Peter 3)

1.      I’m going to put it in my heart how I should act and I’m going to thank God that she acts the way the word says she should

2.      I’m going to get the word abiding in me; I’m not just going to go pray

3.      I’m working the system that says if I put the word in my heart it will come to pass

B.     Mark 4:35-He gave them the seed to do it and instead of sowing the seed, they went to him and got rebuked for it

1.      If they have no faith its b/c they spend no time with this word in verse 35 (Rom 10:17)

a.    Why would a person who apple seed, have no apple tree?

2.      He gave them the word-seed and they spend no time with it and the crisis comes and they run to God and pray an unbelieving prayer and get no results

a.    We’ve been praying (Lord please doing something) instead of sowing

C.    The Children Of Israel vs. Joshua and Caleb

1.      The Word seed-God’s-Ex 33:1-3, Numbers 13:2---Enemies-Numbers 13:31-33

2.      The Ground of their heart-What had they sown in their heart?

a.    The 10 spies sowed the evil report into their heart (Numbers 13:27-29, 32-14:1-4)

1)       They gave their thoughts & attention to the evil report (the giants, the walls)

b.    Joshua and Caleb sowed the word (Numbers 13:30-31, 14:7-9)

1)       They gave their thoughts and attention to the Word

3.      The tree of their belief – What did they believe? (We can find out what they believe, by looking at what they said in the time of pressure)

a.    The ten spies believed they couldn’t go in (Numbers 13:31)

1)       Where did that belief come from? They spent time with the wrong words

b.    Joshua and Caleb believed they could go in (Numbers 13:30)

1)       Where did that belief come from? They spent time with God’s words

4.      The fruit results – What did they get?

a.    The ten spies and all the people that believed like them never went in; they got the fruit of their belief (Num 14:28-34, Hebrews 3:19)

1)       A result couldn’t be produced in life, different than what was in their heart

b.    Joshua and Caleb got the fruit of their belief (Joshua 14:7-11)

D.    Because the Kingdom of God rules over all this is a system that I can take into any situation, work it, and produce the kind result God wants for me (Joshua 1:8)

1.      The Law Of Life gives you the authority and power to take the Word of God and the ground of your heart and create the life you want in the middle of any situation 

2.      I don’t need the circumstances to be favorable for me to win; I have a system that enables me to win right in the middle of unfavorable circumstances (Jeremiah 17:7)