Matthew Allaria Ministries

Study Notes

The study notes in this section are Matthew’s personal outlines and therefore they have not been edited.  As a result, you will find some grammatical errors.

The Channel Of Faith

FOUNDATION STATEMENT: Eph 2:8-Grace flows from God into the life of a believer through a channel called faith


I.      Through-The channel of an act, noting passage, from one end to the other, from beginning to end

A.    Channel-A passage; a place of passing or flowing; That through which anything passes; means of passing, conveying, transmitting

II.     With no faith grace has nothing to pass through & can’t be transmitted to your life

A.    Everything that comes to you from God has to come through the pipe called faith

B.     Ex: If we took all your water pipes would you be surprised when you turned the faucet and no water came out---Of course not because I have no pipes

1.      Then why would you be surprised when no grace is showing up and you’ve given God no faith pipes to flow through

III.   Increase your faith

A.    God has dealt to every saved man the measure of faith (Romans 12:3)

B.     Faith levels-Mt 8:10,6:30-Great faith, Little faith, Rom 14:1-Weak faith, Mk 4:40-No faith

C.    The bigger or greater your channel is, the more grace can flow through it-Rom 10:17

1.      Ex: Unlimited money, but small pipe