Matthew Allaria Ministries

Study Notes

The study notes in this section are Matthew’s personal outlines and therefore they have not been edited.  As a result, you will find some grammatical errors.

The Authority Of The Kingdom

I.      You are supposed to carry out God’s will in the Earth as a co-laboring (working) with God-Hebrews 13:20-21

A.    Hebrews 13:21-God equips us with everything good that WE may carry out His will

1.      If God’s will is going to be carried out in the Earth we are the ones He’s going to carry it out through

2.      It sounds to me like if you’re not equipped with everything good then you can’t carry out His will

B.     Asking God to do something and watching him do it while you do nothing is not co-laboring-1Corinthian3:9

1.      EX: If I ask you to clean my house and you do it, that’s not co-laboring

a.    To many people that’s what Christianity has become; Us little insignificant ones going and asking God to do something and hoping he does 

2.      Genesis 1:28-Let’s go back to the blueprint or overlay of the beginning: God empowered Adam with everything good and told Adam to carry out His will

a.    In day 1 of Adam’s assignment it would not have been acceptable for Him to ask God make him fruitful, cause him to multiply and ask God to replenish the Earth and subdue it

3.      How do we carry out His will in the Earth? It’s not by asking Him to do it, it’s be exercising our faith and authority that His will, will be done

a.    Matthew 6:10-That’s not asking Him for His will to be done, it’s declaring that it be done

4.      You don’t exercise authority delegated to you by asking the one who delegated that authority to you to do something

a.    In exercising authority we never see Jesus ask God to do something

b.    When it comes to asking here’s a rule of thumb: Never ask God to do something that He has authorized you to do in His Word-Never ask God to make you something that He’s authorized you to be in His Word-2 Corinthians 12, Mark 4:35

C.    Hebrews 13:21-While you exercise your faith and authority to do His will, He works in you and accomplishes that which is pleasing in His sight, which is His will

1.      AMP-While He Himself works in you-He does that as you carry out His will

2.      He doesn’t start working until you start exercising your faith and authority to do His will---While you’re doing His will He’s working

3.      God equips you with everything necessary (right & might) to carry out His will and He will work through you and accomplish His will and do the work as you exercise your authority and faith-Mk4:35

a.    “Let us pass over to the other side” is the will of God for Jesus in this situation and therefore God has equipped Jesus with everything necessary to carry out His will; Jesus has everything He needs to get to the other side; Anything that comes stop Jesus from getting to the other side He has authority over

b.    As Jesus exercised is faith and authority to carry out God’s will, then God worked in him and through him to see to it that His will was carried out in that situation

c.     Jesus is not supposed to sit there in the bottom of the boat and ask God to do something and beg God and cry to God; that’s not co-laboring

II.     The process of Kingdom Authority

A.    Nobody exercised authority more proficiently and effectively that Jesus

1.      Every time he spoke to release his authority he got the desired result

a.    Mark 4:41-What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?

b.    Matthew 21:20-When the disciples saw it, they marveled saying, How soon is the fig tree withered away!

c.     Mark 5:42-And straightway the damsel arose, and walked; for she was of the age of twelve years. And they were astonished with a great astonishment.

d.    Mark 7:37-And were beyond measure astonished, saying, He hath done all things well: he maketh both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak.

e.    Luke 5:9-For he was astonished, and all that were with him, at the draught of the fishes which they had taken:

B.     To walk in authority the way Jesus did and do the works Jesus did we are going have to do those works the way he did them

1.      John 14:10-12-The Father gave Jesus the words to speak, Jesus said the words and the Father in Him (the Holy Spirit) did the works: Jesus says I say the words and the father does the works

2.      Jesus exercised his authority by getting the words from the Father saying those words in faith and when he did the Father did the works

C.    Authority is all about the backing;

1.      When somebody is authorized that means that have been given authority by a higher power and that higher power supports them and backs them in their action

a.    Authorize-To give authority, warrant, legal power; to give a right to act; To empower as to authorize

b.    Authorized-Supported by authority

2.      Authority is what it is not because of who has it, but because of who and what backs it

a.    The authority is not in the person himself, but it’s in what the person represents and who is backing the person; if you were to take the backing away there’s no power in the person

b.    To say God has given you authority is to say that He is authorized you and he backs you

3.      To retain the power of the backing I have to do exactly what the one backing me says

a.    When you do what you want and say what you want you lose the backing

D.    Jesus recognized for the authority to work He needed Heaven’s backing-John 5:19,30

1.      Heaven only backs what it orders, what it ordains

a.    If Heaven didn’t ordain it, then Heaven don’t back it

b.    EX: The preacher who leaves where God wants him and goes to another town has no backing

2.      He knew that he only had authority to do what the Father authorized Him to do

a.    He had to hear it and see it from the Father first because what God authorized him to do He had the authority to do 

3.      When you only say and do what the Father shows you to say and do then everything you say and do will have authority because everything you do and say will have the Father backing it

a.    When you only say and do what the Father tells you to say and do it ensures that what you say and has backing

b.    Everything Jesus said and did had backing because he only did and said what the Father told him

E.     You exercise your authority by hearing from God and then saying and doing what he tells you to say and do and then Father does the works; This is the Kingdom Process, this is how we exercise authority and it’s worked like this from the beginning

1.      John 8:26-28-If you don’t get the words from the Father and exercise your authority and faith by speaking those words then the Father doesn’t do the works

2.      Somebody has to get the words from Him and then exercise faith and authority before the Father will do the works; until that process is engaged no authority will be exercised & the Father won’t do any works

a.    Jesus heard from the Father say to him, “Be thou clean” Jesus said to the leper, “Be thou clean” and the father in him did the work and cleansed the leper

b.    Jesus heard from the Father say to it, “Peace Be Still” Jesus said to the storm, “Peace, Be still” and the father in him did the work and stopped the storm

c.     Jesus heard from the Father say to him, “Arise take up your bed and walk” Jesus said to the guy on the stretcher, “Arise take up your bed and walk”, the Father in him did the work

d.    Jesus heard from the Father say to him, “Made I say unto you arise,” Jesus said to Jairus’ daughter, “Made I say unto arise,” and the Father in him did the work

F.     The greatest place with see authority and power exercised is in Genesis 1: it was the same process

1.      Ephesians 3:9-God created all things by Jesus Christ

2.      Colossians 1:14-17-All things were created by Jesus

3.      Genesis 1:26-God is one God, but not one person-Let Us Make…

a.    Elohim is a uniplural noun (plural intensive with a singular meaning)

1)       Church is a uniplural noun; you’re talking about one church, but not one person

2)       Family is a uniplural noun; you’re talking about one family, but not one person

b.    And God said—God is Elohim and it’s a uniplural noun

1)       And the church said, “amen” --- Did only one person say that? No

2)       And God said---Well who, The Father, The Son, or The Holy Ghost?

3)       If we follow the Kingdom process God said to Jesus light be, Jesus said light be, the Holy Spirit did the work

III.   Authority is not found in the magnitude of your effort, it’s found in the precision of your obedience

A.    Authority is not found in the one who prays the longest or the loudest, it’s found in the one who does exactly what the Father tells them to do

1.      2 Chronicles 7:14-We take verses like this and decide to have a prayer meeting, but a lot of times they are just prayer fits

2.      John 14:21-It’s not the person, the church, the community or the nation who in their desperation from God prays the longest and the loudest that will see him move; it’s the people who do what he says that will see him manifest

3.      The flesh doesn’t like that because anybody can throw a prayer fit, but it takes effort, time, and diligence to develop the skill of hearing the voice of God, knowing the voice of God, and being confident you heard from him

a.    Anybody can come in a throw a fit for a few hours, but to hear the voice of God requires your life

B.     John 3:34-Jesus saw the spirit work without measure because he only spoke the words of God; it wasn’t his intense effort, it was his precise obedience

1.      31-I come from above-John 3:3, 2 Corinthians 5:20

a.    31-I am above all-Ephesians 1:19-22, 2:6

b.    Prominence-Exalted in rank, High in Office

c.     Excellence-High rank in scale of beings, title given to Kings

2.      32-He only does and says what he has seen and heard

a.    31-He that’s of the Earth talks the Earth’s language and His words are from a earthly standpoint

3.      34-The person who God has sent speaks the Words of God

a.    He didn’t get the spirit without measure because of intense effort, it was because of precise obedience

b.    Because He only said & did what the Father showed him he got the spirit/power without measure

c.     Everything he did was backed by the authority of Heaven

4.      35-The Father could trust Him with the spirit (the authority and the power) and He knew he could trust Jesus based on how Jesus only said what he was told and did what he saw

a.    If we’ll develop in this will see and increase of effectiveness in exercising out authority

IV.   Philippians 2:12-13-Work our your own salvation – Salvation is God’s will for your life, but you have to work it out and then he will work in you to produce it and that is a co-laboring

A.    You work out your own salvation by finding out what God wants for your life and exercising your faith and authority to appropriate and carry out what He wants, and as you do he will work in you

1.      EX: Healing is part of the salvation package and we have to work it out with our faith and authority and while we do God is working in us doing the works

2.      God says by Jesus stripes you are healed-You say by Jesus stripes I am healed-The Father does it

B.     You don’t sit there and do nothing and ask God to something; you find out from God what you are supposed to do and say and get to a doing and a saying and He’ll do the work

1.      We’ve wanted to do nothing and have him do the work

C.    God shows me His will and plan, equips me with everything necessary to carry it out, and then expects me to carry it out and as I do he will work with me and through me to get it done

1.      I get the general plan for my life from the written Word, I get the specifics from the Spirit of God

2.      As a speak the Word, I listen for the specifics