Matthew Allaria Ministries

Study Notes

The study notes in this section are Matthew’s personal outlines and therefore they have not been edited.  As a result, you will find some grammatical errors.

Holy Hearing

I.      The Spirit that you want to be led by and get direction from is the HOLY Spirit, therefore you can cannot yield to unholiness and get direction from the Holy Spirit

A.    When you yielded that that which was unholy, you resisted Him who is Holy

B.     To be in tune with Him who is holy, you have live a holy life (he’s on the Holy channel)

II.     1 Corinthians 2:14-The unsaved man is unholy and he can’t be led by the Holy Spirit

A.    10-God revealed them unto US saved ones by His spirit

B.     12-The spirit of the world is the unholy spirit, ungodly spirit

1.       If an unsaved man who is unholy only does holy things he’s going to miss the direction from what this unholy spirit wants him to do; If a saved man who is holy does unholy things he’ll miss direction that comes from the HS

C.    14-The natural unsaved, unholy man can’t receive direction from the Holy Spirit-John 14:17

1.       This unholy man doesn’t receive from the Spirit of God

2.       He can’t perceive the direction of the Spirit of God because an unholy man will not hear from the Holy Spirit of God

D.    We are to have fellowship, communion with the Holy Spirit, but that which is holy can’t fellowship with that which is unholy-2 Corinthians 13:14, 6:14

1.       Light can’t fellowship with darkness b/c once light shows up darkness leaves

a.    That which is Holy can’t fellowship with that which is unholy b/c once holiness shows up that which is unholy leaves

2.       Communication with the Holy Spirit is hard when you do unholy things

III.   What about Holiness?

A.    Holiness is consecration, purification, sanctification of heart and life, separate from profane things; Holy means clean, pure, separated for God’s exclusive use; Holiness is Christ-likeness

B.     If you are a Christian, then you have been cleansed and purified by the blood of Jesus and you are Holy (Colossians 3:12, 1:20-22)

1.       1 Thessalonians 5:27, Hebrews 3:1-Holy brethren

2.       1 Tim 2:8-Lifting up holy hands

3.       1 Peter 2:5,9-Holy priesthood, holy nation

C.    You can be made holy and still do unholy things-1 Peter 1:14-16

IV.   A Christian who has been made holy, but yields to unholy things will be a Christian who will miss the leading of the Spirit

A.    2 Peter 1:21-It was holy men who were led by the Holy Spirit (Moved-Led)

1.       Proverbs 9:10, 8:13, 16:6-When a man departs from the unholy he’ll get direction of from He who is holy

B.     Hebrews 12:14-One of the biggest things about being led by the Spirit is knowing that the direction is in fact God and seeing that it’s Him

1.       Holiness will effect your ability to perceive the leading of the Spirit

2.       Even though you’ve been made holy you still must endeavor to pursue a holy life

3.       The more you develop in holiness the better you’ll perceive and know what is God and what’s not an the more aware of the HS you will be

a.    As you act holy you get more in tune with the Holy Spirit

C.    The Holy who engage unholy things will miss the direction; but those who pursuit holiness and who do holy things will be led by the Holy Spirit

1.       Acts 5:1-9-They were saved and had been made holy, but while they did that which was unholy, they missed the leading of the Holy

2.       2 Samuel 11:1-4,27, 12:1-9-While David did that which was unholy, he missed God

3.       Acts 8:29-Philip did something holy and while he did, he got direction

4.       Acts 10:19-Peter did something holy and while he did, he got direction

5.       Jesus was led by the Spirit in such a powerful way and his holiness had everything to do with it

V.    Holiness will lead to a clear conscience and enable you to be better led by the Holy Spirit

A.    1 Timothy 4:1-2-Yielding to unholy things will sear your conscience and rather than being sensitive to His direction you’ll be insensitive

1.       You can sear your conscience to the place where you don’t hear the HS

B.     Rom 2:14-15,9:2-The conscience is the voice/expression of your spirit; it gets direction from the HS and that’s how you know what He’s saying

VI.   You can become sensitive again, clean again no matter how dull you’ve become through three cleansing agents

A.    2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1-You cleans yourself by separating yourself; if your heart bothers you about something then cut if off (The after test)

B.     John 15:2, 17:17-You cleanse yourself through the Word

C.    Revelation 1:5-You are cleansed through the Blood