Matthew Allaria Ministries

Study Notes

The study notes in this section are Matthew’s personal outlines and therefore they have not been edited.  As a result, you will find some grammatical errors.

Authority For Any Situation

Foundation Statement: In every avenue of life you tap the authority you have and walk in victory by this process (I only say what my father tells me to say and I only do what my Father tells me to do)


I.      God didn’t send me to be sick, broke, depressed, worried, full of fear, defeated, in bondage and when those things try to come against me I go back to the Kingdom process and exercise my authority and walk in victory

A.    There’s no verse that say go ye and be sick and be broke and be afraid and depressed; He told be to be healed, be rich, be strong, be well, be at peace and be joyful and when I step out in faith to do those things he backs me

B.     In your marriage, in your finances, in your prayer life and so on --- The process never changes

II.     As an ambassador and as one submitted to authority you don’t get to decide when, where, or how you carry out your assignment and orders (Orders for your personal life like be healed, be rich, be joyful and orders for assignment like “lay hands on the sick and they’ll recover)

A.    The motto of the LAPD is to protect and serve but each officer doesn’t get to decide when, where, or how he carries that out

1.      EX: The word of God says you’re needs are met.  You don’t get to decide when, where or how that’s carried out.  Your job is to get your orders and do what you’re told and it will most definitely come to pass and be carried out and it will happen quickly. 

2.      Just because the Word of God says lay hands on the sick and they’ll recover doesn’t mean that you get decide when, where, or how you carry that out

3.      Mark 16:15-This doesn’t authorize you to go everywhere on the planet and preach Jesus to every person and to lays hands on every sick person

B.     The principles are the same as they’ve always been, but I’m looking inside before I do anything

1.      The temptation is to just jump in and start doing something without getting it from the Father first

2.      Wisdom is the principle thing so get that first and to get that you have to look to the Father

III.   You start that process by the believing, speaking, and acting on the written word 

A.    John 8:31-Jesus told us the first step to being free was to continue in the written; To continue believing, speaking, and acting on his teachings

B.     You have been authorized to do and be anything the word says and you can always say what the Father has said about you in His word because those are words you got from him

C.    You should look inside for what scripture he wants us to go to (EX: I don’t want to be in 1 Peter and he wants me in 3 John)

IV.   As you travel the path of the written word you look for the leading of the Spirit

A.    Lord what words do you want me to speak over this situation, Lord is there anything you want me to do in regards to this situation

1.      This is the truth that makes me free and the Holy Spirit is going to guide me into it, but this doesn’t happen if I’m not continuing in the written Word

B.     You must do what the spirit shows you and say what the spirit tells you to retain the backing and exercise your authority effectively

1.      EX: You absolutely have the authority to prosper financially if you are willing to do what God says regarding your finances and say what God tells you to say, but you can’t sit there and bind the devil while you disobey the Word and the Spirit’s leading because if you do you have no backing

2.      EX: The $1,000 check? Why did that work? Because I got those words from him and he backed them-Grace sleeping soundly-We got those words from him

V.    When the authority doesn’t work

A.    As an ambassador you are only authorized to do what your government has told you to do

1.      When you start going places your king didn’t tell you to go and doing stuff your king didn’t tell you to do, don’t be surprised when your authority doesn’t work because your king isn’t backing it

B.     Your authority is found in being where God has sent you and doing what He has sent you to do because that and only that is what he will back 

1.      2 Questions that if you can answer you’ll walk in authority to the likes with which you’ve never seen

a.    What have I been sent to do? (EX: I’ve been sent to be healed, to be strong, to be well)

b.    How have I been told to carry that out? (EX: How have I been told to carry that out) 

2.      If you answer those questions and yield to the answers that’s when you see authority and power

C.    When you’re not certain you’ve been sent and when you’re not certain you’ve been sent to do what you are doing it robs you of faith and confidence that God will back you and therefore you undermine your own authority

1.      The reason believers lack confidence in their authority is because they don’t spend enough time with God to know without a doubt that He has sent them and what He has sent them to do

D.    The authority of the believer has jurisdictional boundaries; You can’t do whatever you want with it

1.      To retain the power of the backing I have to do what the one backing me says

2.      The question we have to answer is, “Was God for what I did and said?”

3.      EX: The Police Department is for the officer protecting and serving, but they won’t be for the way he executes it if the doesn’t do it the way he was told

E.     The authorization comes two ways: 1) By the written word 2) By the Spirit of God