Matthew Allaria Ministries

Study Notes

The study notes in this section are Matthew’s personal outlines and therefore they have not been edited.  As a result, you will find some grammatical errors.

An Atmosphere To Hear

I.      Unbelief (not being in faith) will have you missing stuff that God saying and showing-2Cor4:4

A.    When you yield to unbelief you are a candidate to be blinded

1.       This gospel is hid from them, they don’t see or hear it; It’s not that they aren’t seeing and hearing the gospel naturally, but seeing they’re not seeing, hearing they’re not hearing

2.       The gospel is hid to them because Satan darkened them to the place where they couldn’t see or hear and he’s still in the business of doing this today

a.    Hebrews 3:18-19-The voice of God/the leading of the Spirit is the direction-giving instrument that is designed to lead you into God’s best-Psalm 86:11

b.    One of the worst things that can happen to a believer is to not hear the voice of the One who has been sent to lead you into God’s best for your life

1)       There’s nothing more important than hearing the voice of God & yielding

c.     EX: It’s like the pilot being insensitive to the air traffic controller

1)       It’s not the pilot’s job to decide where to go, it’s His job to yielding to the leading

2)       It’s extremely dangerous for him to ignore or be insensitive to this direction

3.       Satan was not able to blind the minds of ones who believed, only ones who believed not

a.    It’s hid from them b/c their minds are blind, their minds are blind because they believe not; so in turn their unbelief is keeping them from seeing and hearing something  

b.    Their unbelief is destroying their ability to see and hear

1)       NLT-Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe.  They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News.  They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ.

2)       If they would just make the decision to believe they would see

4.       When you stay in faith in activates the powers of spiritual sight and spiritual hearing

a.    Satan cannot blind a believer;

b.    If you’ll stay in faith he can’t keep you from seeing and hearing

B.     Unbelief blinds and deafens to where you can’t receive what God’s communicating to you

1.       2 Kings 6:16-He can’t see because he’s afraid unbelief blinds you

a.    Elisha sees something he doesn’t see because he was in faith; He’s seeing inside

2.       Yielding to this worry, discouragement, depression is all unbelief and it will darken you

a.    So many of these things we thought Satan just does to ruin or day; but there is so much more to this discouragement, depression, fear than just having a bad day

b.    He’s pushing this stuff to cut you off from the voice that will get you into God’s best

c.     He’s endeavoring to cut off communication by defiling the instruments we use to see and hear; unbelief will defile your spiritual eyes and ears

II.     If you want to see and hear you have to create and maintain an atmosphere of faith

A.    2 Chronicles 20:6-He starts this session of seeking, by creating and atmosphere of faith

1.       Faith is a choice and you could make the decision to believe as easily as you made the decision to not believe; it takes just as much time to be in faith as it does in unbelief

a.    James 1:1-5-You’re not going to get the wisdom of God if you’re not in faith

b.    Wavering people won’t receive the wisdom of God because unbelief blinds you

2.       They are in “impossible” situation, it looks bad, fear and despair are trying to reign and you will not hear from God in that type atmosphere

a.    14-When the atmosphere of faith was created the Spirit of God showed up and delivered the wisdom of God-James 1:5

3.       When they acted in faith they got more direction

B.     Often times the only difference in one who sees and hears and yields and wins and one who does not is faith

1.       Num13:27-14:10-It’s like one group didn’t even hear and one did, but they both heard; it’s like they are seeing two different things and they are – Exodus 33:1, Numbers 13:1

a.    These people can’t understand why Joshua and Caleb are talking like this and Joshua and Caleb can’t understand why they are talking like this

2.       Hebrews 3:10-12-The evil heart of unbelief is why they didn’t see and because they didn’t see they were led astray

a.    These people’s answer is bouncing off their foreheads and they are not seeing it

b.    They didn’t see God’s ways; They heard the verses above, they didn’t recognize it to be God or see it to be God (I’m with you go get it; that’s God’s way)

c.     That evil heart of unbelief will blind eyes and deafen your ears 

d.    Unbelief not only shut them out of the promise land, it shut them out from the wisdom and direction of God to get into the promise land

III.   An atmosphere of faith is the breeding grounds for direction from the Holy Spirit (What is an atmosphere of faith)

A.    It’s imperative that if you want to hear from God that you get in faith; The more unbelief you yield to the darker your life gets and the darker it gets the harder it is to see and hear

1.       Proverbs 4:18-19-For the just who live by faith and stay in faith it’s going to get brighter and the brighter it gets the easier it is to see and hear; The wicked are in darkness because they believe not and they don’t see and hear

B.     John 16:13, 8:31-32-If you waver on the written word, you won’t hear the spoken word

1.       Faith is simply agreeing with God’s word b/c He said it and continuing in spite of everything that comes your way

a.    The leading from the Holy Spirit comes while you’re faith on the Word of God

b.    As you yield to the written word of God you open the door for the Holy Spirit to enter and give you the direction you need for that particular situation

2.       You have to come to realize the importance of this word FROM God and the absolute vital necessity of it concerning your victory; If you get discouraged/worried and stop agreeing with the Word and get out of faith you’ll miss the very direction you need to walk in victory-Romans 15:13

C.    Acts 13:2-Staying in faith keeps you positioned to hear and to be led by the Holy Spirit

1.       Hebrews 11:6, 10:38, Matthew 8:8-Faith pleases God and ministers to Him

a.    1 Samuel 15:22-The way God gets ministered to/pleasure from a sacrifice or offering He gets more pleasure and is ministered to more by obedience and faith

b.    As you ministered unto God through and with your faith, you’ll get direction from HS

2.       Fear/unbelief pushes God out; Faith welcomes Him in-Luke 8:35-38, Gen 3:10,Mt13:58

a.    We have to get on the same channel as the HS and He’s on the faith channel

3.       No matter how dark it is or how bad it looks you have to stay in faith if you want the leading of the Holy Spirit-1 Samuel 30:1-9

a.    Direction came after the atmosphere of faith was created

b.    4-No direction came out of the weeping, out of the grief and distress

IV.   To be led by the Holy Spirit you have to be in faith for the Spirit’s leading-James 1:5

A.    Anything that we receive from God is given by grace received through faith and that includes direction and leading for our lives-Ephesians 2:8, Romans 4:16

1.       A lack of faith for direction will lead to a lack of direction

2.       God’s not determining how much direction you get, but rather it’s according to what you believe; we need to have faith that everything we do is led of Him

a.    What you believe where being led of the HS is concerned is what you’ll receive

b.    He’s able to direct your every move, but you have to believe that’s possible for your life

B.     There’s a promise here that if you lack direction God will give it to you open-handedly

1.       Wisdom-Insight or wisdom not naturally attained-That’s the leading of the Spirit

2.       God’s not withholding direction; He doesn’t withhold direction from anybody

C.    The condition to this promise is that you must ask in faith, nothing wavering-James 1:7

1.       Hesitating and doubting will keep you from receiving direction(“Well I just don’t hear God’s voice like you, God just doesn’t speak to me like he does you”)

2.       Faith to be led & hear His voice begins with the Word concerning it

a.    John 10:2-5,10-11,27-Jesus said His sheep hear (perceive, not deaf) his voice, follow (lead, guide, direct) his voice-they’re being led know (perceive, notice, discern) his voice and when the stranger speaks they recognize that’s not my shepherd

b.    Psalm37:3, Proverbs 3:5, John 16:13-My steps are directed of the Lord, He leads me in the way to go, and shows me things to come

3.       Js1:6, 2Pet1:4-If wisdom is being offered to me, then there is no need for me to ask for it in the way you and I think about asking for something (Can I please Have?)

a.    Don’t ask for things that were deemed yours as part of your inheritance-take them

b.    Mark 11:24-Whatever you ask believe you receive it and you will have it

D.    Therefore, to receive direction and be led of the Spirit faith is required

1.       Faith 1) To get direction from a God you can’t see 2) To hear direction that the natural ear can’t hear 3) You have to believe he will lead you b/c He said he would 4) You have to believe you will hear it b/c he said you would

2.       Genesis 5:22,24-Enoch must have heard is great grandpa talked with God and just stepped out in faith and did the same thing