God First
Lord, I defer to You. I have a precious regard for Your desires. I put Your interests first and above my own. I have no desire to please myself. My greatest desire is to please You. I’m in the Earth to do what pleases You. I defer to You in my words. Father, what would You have me to say today? I defer to You in my thoughts. Father, how would You have me to think today? I defer to You in my actions. Father, what would You have me to do today? I defer to You in every area of my life no matter what the cost. I take a stand of faith today and refuse to do what pleases my flesh. No matter how bad the pressure is to give into the desires of my flesh, I say, “You first Father. Your will, Your desire, and Your pleasure first.” My fulfillment, my nourishment, and my pleasure in life is in pleasing You. Nothing on this Earth fulfills me, nourishes me, or pleases me more than pleasing You.