Doing What's Right
I am a person of character and I do what is right because it’s right. I do what’s right when it’s not comfortable, not fun, and not easy. God is right, His judgments are right, and His ways are right. Apart from God and His Word, I cannot do right. To think, talk, or act in a way that’s in opposition to God and His Word is to think wrong, talk wrong, and act wrong. God’s Word is the standard of right for my life. I adjust my lifestyle to fit the standard of His Word. I am not a person who makes excuses for doing wrong. There is no good excuse for not doing what the Father said. Making excuses is prideful, unrepentant, and the very nature of the devil. My Master hates excuses and I refuse to be an excuse maker. When I am wrong I repent for the wrong, receive my forgiveness, and develop in character. I’m a person of character who serves God with completeness of heart. I’m a person of character who serves God with innocence of heart. I’m a person of character who serves God with simplicity of heart. I’m a person of character and whatever the cost for doing right is, I’m ready to ante up, pay the price, and do right.