Matthew Allaria Ministries

Character Development

I thank you Lord that I’m the righteousness of God by faith.  I thank you that there is no connection between my character development and my right-standing with You.  I thank you Lord, that as I develop in your character, I’m qualifying for greater rewards, greater assignments, and a greater anointing.  I make the connection between my character today and my reward, my assignment, and my anointing tomorrow.  My motive for developing in character is not the greater reward, it’s not the greater assignment, and it’s not the greater anointing.  My motive for developing in character is because it is right.  I thank you Lord, that I am conscious of my words, my thoughts, and my actions and how they reveal my character.  I’m conscious that my character now is affecting my life later.  I am ever on guard to stay in the character of the Father.